- The Study of Aesthetic Psychology in Ch. 语文课堂审美心理研究;
- The design basic goal is solves the problem for the populace, this inevitably requests Chinese modern the design to have to adapt with this nationality"s cultural esthetic psychology. 设计的根本目的是为大众解决问题,这必然要求中国现代的设计要与本民族的文化审美心理相适应。
- As a united System, they effect the forming and development of National Musical Aesthetic Psychology as resultant force. 三者作为合力系统共同对民族音乐审美心理的形成与发展产生作用。
- Of course, owing to different time background, there are some similarities and differences in their aesthetical psychology and expression. 当然,由于他们所处时代不同,因而不论其审美心理,还是其审美表现,有相同之处,但也存在着差异。
- There exists a dialectical relationship between diversity and identity of aesthetic psychology. 审美心理的差异性和同一性之间存在对立统一的辩证关系。
- The generation of human aesthetic psychology, closely related to the natural environment,was prec. 自然环境与人类审美心理的发生具有极为密切的关系。
- On the other hand, “complementation of Confucianism and Taoism” expresses personality model of the traditional Chinese aesthetic psychology. 另一方面,“儒道互补”则极好地展示出中国传统审美心理学的人格模式。
- The inborn aesthetic inquiry psychology of the mankind consists of the aesthetic psychology of seeking discrepancy and seeking sameness. 摘要人类天生具有审美探究心理,包括审美求异心理和审美求同心理。
- As a part of the Aesthetics research , Aesthetic psychology attracts more and more attention of research worker during the Aesthetics research. 审美心理学作为美学研究的一个组成部分,在美学研究的过程中越来越受到研究者们的重视。
- And the formation,existence and meaning of relegating literature is corresponding with the subject"s aesthetic psychology. 通过宣泄郁积在心的不平情结,诗人减缓了内心的巨大痛苦,从而实现了对现实存在的审美超越。
- The paradise becomes theperson that Moslems courted and grows the ideal.This is basic motive force that theclean of beautiful aesthetic psychology forms. 乐园就成为穆斯林追求的人生理想,这是洁净美的审美心理形成的根本动力;
- It becomes the traditional reasons ofliterature that form the clean of beautiful aesthetic psychology in the creations of theChinese contemporary Huis writer. 这成为中国当代回族作家创作中洁净美的审美心理形成的文学传统原因。
- Relegating literature is a special angle which researches the relationship between literature Creating activity and the subject"s aesthetic psychology . 贬谪文学是探讨文学活动过程和主体审美心理之间关系的一个独特视角。
- Each cameramen to each image, the phenomenon, the feeling is not same, ideological cultivation, esthetics psychology, artistic pursue and so on also frequently greatly different its interest. 每一个摄影者对每一形象、现象、感受不相同,思想修养、美学心理、艺术追求等也常常大异其趣。
- I am always interested in psychology. 我一直对心理学感兴趣。
- I can't understand that man's psychology. 我无法理解那个人的心理。
- On the basis of occidental aesthetic psychology, Langfeld systematically summarized its laws, the most important ones of which are: Through the theories of Hugo Munsterberg,Ethel Puffer and Edward. 朗菲德在西方审美心理学的基础上,总结出了系统的审美心理规律,其中最重要的是:通过闵斯特堡、普芙、布洛的理论,论述了审美态度是怎样形成的;
- The connotation between red bean and lovesickness reflects the Chinese national characteristics and aesthetical psychology, and brought long-termed influence to the latter Chinese culture. 红豆和相思的组合深切地契合了中华民族的性格特征和审美心理,因而对后世产生了深远的文化影响。
- As a result, the paper suggests that the focal essence of aesthetics is to conduct the educatees to redevelop a kind of healthy and active aesthetic psychology according to the current conditions. 因此,针对当前现状,美育的任务就是要引导受教育者重建一种健康积极的审美心理,提升他们的精神境界。
- She had an undergraduate degree in psychology. 她有心理学的学士学位。