- In May 1966, Changzhou Housing &Real Estate Management Bureau. 1966年五月,成立常州市政府房地产管理局;
- What we do is all clean and estate management services in buildings. 我们提供的,是揽括大楼清洗保洁保养一体化的物业托管方案!
- Group completed construction of real estate management document design packaging design. 完成建发房地产集团设计管理文件包装设计。
- This paper mainly researches the application of SOI solution in the Real Estate Management Information System (REMIS). 论文主要研究SOI方案在房产管理信息系统集成中的应用。
- Anaphase cost control adopts cost analysis and cost check, mainly involve the stage of real estate management. 后期成本控制包括成本分析与成本考核,主要涉及到物业管理环节。
- Organic Stop( Aegean Coast)- Service halted in June. Please note our latest announcements of the estate management office or on this site. 有机菜站(琴海岸)-6月服务暂停,请留意屋苑管理处或本站最新消息。
- Since January 2000, Dr. Hensel has been the Chief Operating Officer and founder of VICUS Grundstuecksservice GmbH, a real estate management company. 从2000年一月开始;DR.;GERT HENSEL成为VICUS Grundstuecksservice GmbH房地产管理公司的创始人及首席执行官。
- The "Act of Real Estate Management" going into effect on Sept. 1st,2003 is of great imortance to legal system construction in communities. 我国2003年9月1日开始施行的《物业管理条例》,对社区法制建设具有重要的意义。
- Organic Stop (Aegean Coast) - Service halted in June. Please note our latest announcements of the estate management office or on this site. 2007有机菜站(海琴海岸)-6月服务暂停,请留意屋苑管理处或本站最新消息。
- Can realize plot and so on real estate, customer intellectualized management, may enhance the estate management the efficiency. 能实现房产、客户等小区的智能化管理,可以提高物业管理的效率。
- And one's own terms and library undertaking develop two respect analyse library estate management present inexorable trend developed to socialize from library. 并从图书馆自身条件和图书馆事业发展两个方面分析了图书馆物业管理呈社会化发展的必然趋势。
- Real Estate Management and Control This area aims to develop the analytical, consultative and planning abilities of the student in the construction sector. 房地产经营与管理专业物业管理方向本方向培养能运用现代化管理方法和手段,对房地产开发、建筑物及其附属物业等进行策划、营运咨询、商务代理的专门人才。
- It is OK that change the name of owner in a register should undertake registering to local estate management department only, hand in assess cost, stamp duty, and poundage is OK. 过户只要到当地房地产治理部门进行登记就可以,交纳评估费、印花税,以及手续费就可以了。
- But the estate management is not merely managed,still managing and service. 但物业管理不仅仅是管理,还有经营和服务。
- The pattern,integration of home owner,estate management company and subdistrict office,is to boost the scientific and sound development of the industry. “三位一体”的管理模式就是一种探索,其目的是促进我国物业管理行业科学、健康的发展。
- It seems, the action b y the police and Estate management, helped radicalise the May Day organisers who took the bold step to move the event to the town. 但是,警方与园丘管理层的举动,非但没有阻吓到劳动节音乐会的主办单位,反而是推动他们将音乐会的地点迁移到市区举行。
- Then, with the purchase of real estate management for developers to return a house procedures, and with the banks to the real estate collateral management for deregistration. 然后,购房人与开发商到房地产管理部门办理退房手续,并与银行到房地产管理部门办理抵押注销登记。
- The paper explores the different types of disputes caused by real estate management and offers some solutions in term of the law, the community construction, est. 摘要本文主要分析了我国住宅小区物业管理纠纷的类型及产生的各种原因,并针对解决这些纠纷从法律和社区建设等不同的角度提出一些解决的对策。
- Melanie is a regularcommentator on rental property for national newspapers and magazines.Robert Griswold lectures at the Institute for Real Estate Management. 作者简介: Melanie Bien is an Associate Director at Savills Private Finance and a formerpersonal finance editor for The Independent on Sunday.
- Party A shall be responsible to do his best to procure the estate manager to provide adequate security &fire prevention. 甲方应尽力督促管理公司提供充分的保安及消防工作。