- He was appointed captain of a company of rifles. 他被任命为步枪连连长。
- The merger of a company may take the form of either merger by absorption or merger by the establishment of a new company. 公司合并可以采取吸收合并和新设合并两种形式。
- The establishment of a limited liability company or a company limited by shares shall comply with the conditions set out in this Law. 设立有限责任公司、股份有限公司,必须符合本法规定的条件。
- British colonialism led to the establishment of a large empire. 英国的殖民主义成就了幅员辽阔的大英帝国。
- Establishment by the promoter method means the establishment of a company by the subscription by the promoters for all the shares to be issued by the company. 发起设立,是指由发起人认购公司应发行的全部股份而设立公司。
- The establishment of a company by promotion means that the initiators establish a company by subscribing for all of the shares that should be issued by the company. 募集设立,是指由发起人认购公司应发行股份的一部分,其余股份向社会公开募集或者向特定对象募集而设立公司。
- Examining of all the book and account of a company. 对公司的所有帐册和帐户进行检查。
- The president of a company is an executive. 公司的经理是公司的管理者。
- The establishment of a corporation's existence. 公司法则公司赖以存在的法则
- Establishment of a World of Warcraft Account. 魔兽世界帐户的创立。
- The promoters of a company limited by shares must subscribe for shares for which they are required to subscribe in accordance with this Law and must be responsible for the preparation of the establishment of the company. 股份有限公司发起人,必须按照本法规定认购其应认购的股份,并承担公司筹办事务。
- The account of a business or a company's account. 企业帐目或公司帐目。
- Establishment by the offer method means establishment of a company by the subscription by the promoters of part of the shares to be issued by a company and a public offer of the remaining part of the shares. 募集设立,是指由发起人认购公司应发行股份的一部分,其余部分向社会公开募集而设立公司。
- How can rumors destroy the atmosphere of a company? 谣言是如何破坏一个公司的氛围的?
- Andrew was in charge of a company. 从窗户那儿,他可以注视牛群吃草。
- A representative, as of a company. 代表,如公司代表
- Takeover of a company using borrowed funds. 用贷款收购一家公司。
- Detailed record of a company's financial affairs. 对公司财务的详细记录。
- Members of a company have limited liability. 公司成员承担有限责任。
- To inspect the account of a company. 检查公司帐目。