- The point is that we should establish an ideal position for each finger. 关键在于那我们应为每一手指建立一理想位置。
- One more opportunity to establish an ideal, to go back to the best way, rather than being a merchandiser curtly. 人性的情深与凉薄,性情与意志的转变,脑中蹦出了以前辩论会的题目“时势造英雄,还是英雄造时势”,时宜事异吧。
- In her sketch "Transcendental Oats" she describes in an amusing way the experience of a year at Fruitlands, where an attempt was made to establish an ideal community. 她的随笔《想入非非》有趣地描述了有一年在果树园里的经历。人们试图在那里建立一个理想的社会。
- According to this principle, Dworkin established an ideal pattern based on the auction and invented insurance market.This pattern has distinct individualism characteristics. 德沃金根据该原则建立了以拍卖模式和保险市场模式为主的资源分配理想模型,这一模型具有鲜明的个人主义特色。
- Objective To establish an ideal and useful animal model for lumbar radiculopathy and detect the spinal nerve glial cells activation and cytokine expression after lumbar radicular injury in rats. 目的建立腰神经根病的动物模型,探讨大鼠腰神经根损伤后脊髓神经胶质细胞激活和细胞因子表达。
- It is an ideal day for a picnic. 这是一个出外野餐的理想日子。
- For all its richness and all its progress, it is not an ideal society. 尽管它很富有,也很进步,但它不是一个理想的社会。
- The cottage is an ideal place for bird watch. 小屋里观鸟的最理想的地方。
- Knighthood was an ideal in medieval Europe. 在中世纪的欧洲,成为骑士是理想。
- In conformity with an ideal; perfectly. 完美地与典范相符的; 完美的
- He had always considered her an ideal companion for his son. 他一直以为她是他儿子的理想伴侣。
- The accused tried to establish an alibi. 被告人力图提出他不在现场的证据。
- The book would make an ideal gift. 这本书是理想的馈赠。
- I thought she was an ideal mate. 我认为她是我的理想配偶。
- Can we establish an own English angle? 我们能建立一个自己的英语角吗?
- And this is in fact an ideal nesting site. 而这处原是燕鸥的理想营巢地点。
- Year-end, the farm establish an allotment project. 年末,养殖场制订分配方案。
- This is an ideal spindle tree system. 这是一种理想的纺锤形植株方式。
- Jackson will make an ideal husband for her. 杰克逊将是她理想的丈夫。
- An ideal q in ring A is primary. 环A中的理想q是准素的。