- There is but one crime, to kill your own kind. (吸血鬼唯一的罪孽就是杀死自己的同类。)
- In most criminal textbooks and treatises of our country, implicated offender is defined as essential multiple crimes, and at the same time one crime in penalty. 我国大多数的刑法教科书和专著中都将牵连犯确定为实质的数罪,同时又是处断上的一罪。
- However, as we will see, pain is only one possible aspect of sadomasochism, and it is by no means an essential one. 不过,正如我们会明白的那样,痛楚只是施虐受虐癖的一种可能的条件,但决不是本质性的条件。
- Never has there been a parchment of law, however fair, which prevented one crime. 一个国家的法律,不论多么公正,永远不可能防止罪恶的发生。
- Cadmium is not an essential nutrient element for plants, but iron is the essential one. 镉是植物的非必需元素,而铁是植物生长发育过程中必不可少的元素。
- Never has there been a parchment of law, however fair , which prevented one crime. 一个国家的法律,不论多么公正,永远不可能防止罪恶的发生。
- "One crime leads to another, ya effend," the Kadi said." If you hadn't got drunk, you wouldn't have made the biggest mistake of your life. “一个罪过导致另一个罪过,先生,”法官说,“如果不是喝醉,你是不会犯下终生大错的。”
- But I think the regulation can be regarded as a factor that influences the manager's decision, but not the essential one, at least from the microeconomic view. 第二个答案是,解释这个老鼠的由来,强调老鼠不是普通的老鼠,而是专门饲养的宠物鼠(也许还能吸引顾客取得适得其反的效果,纯属无稽之谈,如有雷同,打一巴掌 );
- SANTIAGO: There is but one crime among us vampires here. It is the crime that means death to any vampire. To kill your own kind! 圣地亚哥:对吸血鬼来说只有一种罪。那是无论哪个吸血鬼一旦犯下就意味着得死的罪行。那就是杀死你的同类!
- The legal circumstances for liberal punishment such as surrendering and rendering meritorious service are generally applicable only to one crime. 自首、立功等法定从宽处罚情节一般只及一罪;
- In Qiu Xinghua's eyes, there was only one crime during his 47 years. Of course, this is not counting the murder of 10 people in this case. 在邱兴华眼里,这是他47年的漫长人生中,所犯下的惟一一桩案件。当然,本次连杀10人案除外。
- Only if the implicated relation is defined to be being in one course of infringing an object, implicated crime is a type of single crime and deserves single punishment for one crime. 只有将牵连关系限定在“对同一客体的同一次侵犯”之中,才能够保证牵连犯具有一罪的属性,才能对其从一罪处断。
- This attitude is essentially one of inquiry, experimentation, and humility before the facts. 从根本上讲,这种态度就是探究,实验和尊重事实。
- It is essential to balance one's budget. 量入为出是很重要的。
- These draw calls were also not batched, and the application was using essentially one draw call per object. 这些绘图的调用没有批量化,程序中基本上每个绘一个对象都调用一次绘图过程。
- But, most essential one step is actually he most difficult one step, because Hamilton needs to arrive at the remote southern hemisphere, makes the final sprint in Brazil for the champion. 但是,最关键的一步却是他最艰难的一步,因为汉密尔顿需要来到遥远的南半球,在巴西为冠军做最后的冲刺。
- The area of deterioration, while essentially one of decay, of stationary or declining population, is also one of regeneration. 退化地区基本上是腐朽、没落、人口渐趋减少的地区,但它同时又是一个新生的地区。
- Her most essential quality is kindness. 她最主要的品质是善良。
- She is one of the best hurdlers in the world. 她是世界上最优秀的跨栏选手之一。
- With the news reporting environment essentially one big gray area, hyperlink-based news aggregation creates a sort of common denominator. 与新闻采访环境基本上是一个很大的灰色地带,超链型新闻聚集造成某种共同点。