- Mixing these two approaches is an especially bad idea. 将这两种方法混合使用是非常糟糕的。
- Alcohol use with acetaminophen is especially bad for the liver. 酒精和扑热息痛混合服用时会特别损坏肝脏。
- It looks especially bad if worn with thick eyeliner or dark blue eye shadow. 如果在加上深色的眼线或者深兰色的眼影,那看起来就更糟。
- Thankfully, the air pollution levels were not especially bad yesterday. 幸好昨天的空气污染水平不是特别严重。
- Mascara: too much mascara looks fake and will flake. It looks especially bad if worn with thick eyeliner or dark blue eye shadow. 染眉毛:眉毛画得太重,看起来很假而且很容易脱落。如果在加上深色的眼线或者深兰色的眼影,那看起来就更糟。
- Meantime, soot and dust from this week's wildfires is making the air quality especially bad there. 同时,这周的火灾所带来的煤烟和灰尘使那里的空气质量非常之差。
- A letdown is something that disappoints you.The park really wasn't especially bad, but I was expecting it to be better. 你是说,这个游乐园其实还可以,只不过不像你原先想象的好,所以让你失望了。
- This was especially bad for poor African American farmers, who relied on selling cotton to support themselves. 这种情况对贫穷的非裔美国人农夫特别不利,他们依赖销售棉花作物维生;
- Cluster munitions got an especially bad press last year, during and after Israel's assault on the Hizbullah movement in Lebanon. 去年,在以色列袭击黎巴嫩真主党期间及其后,集束炸弹的使用遭到了广泛指责。
- Some people suffer harm from smaller amounts than others. alchol Alcohol use with the acetaminophen is especialy especially bad for the liver. 有的人和别人比起来只需要更少的量就会造成伤害。酒精和对乙酰氨基酚一起服用对肝脏更不好。
- Serious complexity pyelonephritis, erupt simultaneously especially bad dead of acute kidney tit produces septicemia of bacili of negative of change orchid family name easily also. 严重的复杂性肾盂肾炎,特别是并发急性肾乳头坏死者也易发生革兰氏阴性杆菌败血症。
- The overall male/female ratio ill aborigines was significantly lower than Halls (2.5 vs. 8.0), especially ill the groups of oral cavity cancer and laryngeal cancer. 男女比于汉族为8.;0,原住民2
- These policies will affect non-whites especially. 这些政策对非白种人的影响特别大。
- I bought the book especially for you. 这本书是我特意为你买的。
- A drug, especially an illicit or addictive one. 麻醉剂尤指非法使用或使人上瘾的麻醉剂
- An unsuitable alliance, especially in marriage. 不适当的联合或结合,尤指不匹配的婚姻
- A kingfisher, especially one of the genus Halcyon. 翡翠鸟一种翠鸟,尤其是属于此种的翡翠属的
- A woman, especially a garrulous old one. 婆娘女人,尤指饶舌的老妇人
- A category, especially an overly restrictive one. 分类,类别分类,尤指受过度限制分类
- A cult, especially a religious one. 宗教崇拜崇拜,尤指宗教上的崇拜