- In the escalating battle against extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis, conflicting findings from laboratory tests have hampered efforts to control the spread of the disease. 在不断升级的斗争,广泛抗药性肺结核矛盾的结果,从化验有阻碍的努力,以控制疾病蔓延。
- The cost of living is escalating in the country. 这个国家的生活费用在上涨。
- The boys re-enacted the strategies in mock battles. 男孩们在模拟战中重现了那些战略。
- escalating battles 不断升级的战斗
- The escalating drug crisis is beginning to take its toll on many Americans. 日趋严重的毒品危机已开始给很多美国人造成损害。
- I'm bored by history dates and battles and all that stuff. 我让历史科给烦透了--那些日期,战争之类的事。
- We have gone through life and death battles. 我们经历了许多生死与共的战斗。
- The hostilities in the Persian Gulf is escalating. 波斯湾的战争逐步升级。
- New battles were supervened between them. 接着他们之间又发生了新的争斗。
- The cost of living is escalating. 生活费用越来越高。
- Densmore: Unfortunately, we see them escalating. 登斯莫尔:不幸的是,我们看到它们升级。
- A place where many battles have been fought. 屡经战争的战场已进行过许多战斗的地方
- The general has fought many memorable battles. 将军参加过多次难忘的战斗。
- Unfortunately, they are all uphill battles. 遗憾的是,它们都需要艰苦的斗争。
- Simulation battles have been carried out in rooms. 摸拟作战是在室内进行的。
- Surely the North must have won a few battles. 北方一定曾经打过几次胜仗。
- Accounts of this series of battles have been -fied. 有关这一系列战役的叙述已被加以美化。
- Battles for Zheyin Shan High Ground: 115 KIA. 者阴山高地之战:115人阵亡。
- Violence is escalating in the Gaza Strip as Israeli tanks move in. 加沙地带暴力升级当以色列坦克进入。
- There were many sea battles known to all. 人人皆知的海战很多。