- B: The volcano may erupt and then there will be earthquakes. Is she not afraid? 火山也许会爆发,引发地震,难道她不怕吗?
- You call it awesome? Volcanoes erupt and cause terrible destruction! 还壮观呢!火山喷发也会造成很大的灾害!
- The tooth erupted and had to be extracted. 牙齿突出并且需要要矫正。
- The risk and prevalence of osteoarthritis increase with age as well. 骨关节炎的危险性和发病率也随年龄增长。
- Its genesis is related to volcanic eruption and dacite porphyry intrusion. 成因上与火山喷发、英安斑岩体侵入作用有关,具有斑岩铜矿的一些特征。
- Huge quantities of steam may be erupted and then condense. 大量水气会喷发出来,然后冷凝成雨。
- A volcano erupted and propelled rocks high into the sky. 火山爆发, 把无数的石块抛向天空。
- The Global Plan outlines how TB mortality and prevalence could be cut in half by2015 and TB eliminated by2050. 全球遏制结核病规划指出了怎样才能使结核病的死亡率和发病率在2015年下降一半,到2050年达到消灭结核病。
- God forbid that the volcano erupts and destroys the village. 但愿上帝保佑火山千万不要爆发而摧毁村庄啊。
- The not-so-good news: Reports and prevalence are not the same, and it's not conclusive that they move in concert. 不太好的消息是,告发和案发的情况并不一致,而且也不能得出结论说,他们的发展趋势一致。
- Objective To analyze incidence and prevalence of bacterial vaginosis(BV)among different groups of women. 目的分析细菌性阴道病(BV)在不同人群中的发病率,探索流行情况。
- This article state the 10 kinds of drugs ean induce drug eruption and 4 kinds type of drug eruption. 专题综合分析;;药疹;;中草药;;抗结核药;;多形红斑;;镇痛药;;消炎药;;皮炎,剥脱性;;抗惊厥药
- But some say there is a small chance that the effect could bring about another limnic eruption and put lives at risk. 可是一些人说这样做仍然有可能引起湖泊喷发,对生命构成威胁。
- The rise and prevalence of polysystem theory is the inner introspection and adjustment in western academia so as to set up the hegemony of saying. 多元系统论的兴起是西方学术界内部的反思和调整,以求在更高的学术制高点上建立话语霸权。
- Understand the differentiation and diagnosis of Herpes Zoster and wind eruption and other therapies. 了解带状疱疹、风疹的鉴别诊断,其他治疗方法。
- Objective To understand the mortalities and prevalence trends of major malignant tumors in rural area of Rushan City, Shandong Province. 摘要目的:对山东省乳山市主要恶性肿瘤死亡率及变化趋势进行观察。
- So this is what we are rewarded, huh! The volcano is going to erupt and we are here to tell you this! 克鲁德:好心没好报!火山要爆发了,我们是来通知你们的!
- Global distribution and prevalence of the two echinococcoses,research progress,and control programs in a number of countries were summarized. 本文概述了两种主要棘球蚴病的全球流行状况、研究进展,以及多个国家开展防治工作的措施与成效。
- During the late Archaeozoic, there was bimodal volcanism,alkalic magma eruption and intrusion, showing the tension-riftedcharacteristics of the valleys. 在晚太古代有“双峰态”火山活动、碱性岩浆喷发和侵入,反映了裂谷拉张特征。
- These include the empirical,such as the definition, purpose and prevalence of sexual fantasy, and moreticklish dilemmas. 这些包括很实际的问题,如性幻想的定义,目的及其盛行程度,以及更饶人的矛盾。