- An erudite scholar was noted for his recondite thoughts. 某饱学的学者以其深奥的思想著称。
- We may say Professor Hang is indeed a sincere, responsible, and erudite scholar in our age. 项老师真不愧为一位真挚、负责与博学的当代学者。
- He was born in 1930, and became a monk when he was just 13.An erudite scholar, he obtained a doctorate degree in Japan, and set up academies all over the world. 法师13岁那年出家,他也是一位博学多闻的学者,在日本得到博士学位,也在全球各地设立了许多学院。
- a man of great learning; an erudite scholar 学问高深的人
- Erudite scholars come in good spirit to talk with me, Among my guests there is no unlearned common man. 苔藓给阶前铺上绿毯,芳草把帘内映得碧青。谈笑的是渊博的学者,往来的没有浅薄的人。
- Erudite scholars come in good spirit to talk with me,Among my guests there is no unlearned common man. 谈笑的是渊博的学者,往来的没有浅薄的人。可以弹奏素朴的古琴,浏览珍贵的佛经。
- "Erudite scholars come in good spirits to talk with me, and among my guests there are no uneducated common people." This is a famous sentence by the poet Liu Yuxi of Tang Dynasty. 谈笑有鸿儒, 往来无白丁。这是唐朝诗人刘禹锡的名句。
- "Erudite scholars come in good spirits to talk with me, and among my guests there are no uneducated common people." This is a famous sentence by the poet Liu Yuxi of Tang Dynasty. 谈笑有鸿儒,往来无白丁。这是唐朝诗人刘禹锡的名句。
- He is an erudite scholar, but still not popular with girls, for he's not with it 他是位学问高深的人,但仍不得姑娘们的欢心,因为人不是现代派型的。
- A scholar at court is an ass among ape. 宫廷里的学究是在猴子群里的驴子。
- He is thought to be a scholar in the village. 在村里,人们把他看作是位“秀才"。
- My tutor is an accomplished scholar. 我的导师是一位学识渊博的学者。
- He is not so much a writer as a scholar. 与其说他是作家倒不如说他是学者。
- We all listened to the venerable scholar with awe. 我们都怀着敬畏之心倾听着这位德高望重的学者的讲话。
- He went abroad to study as a scholar. 他作为奖学金获得者赴外学习。
- Characteristics of Erudite Scholars and Their Management 高学位人才的特点和管理
- Erudite scholars come in good spirits to talk with each other, 谈笑出入有鸿儒
- A great scholar is not always a very wise man. 一位伟大的学者未必一定是极聪明的人。
- The scholar is an exact thinker. 这位学者思维严谨。
- The scholar never flourished his knowledge. 那位学者从不炫耀知识。