- error logging report 出错记录报告
- error logging report analysis 出错记录报告分析
- The error log contains the port number the DAC is listening on. 错误日志包含所侦听的DAC所在的端口号。
- Note that deleting or modifying the data invalidates the document log report. 请注意,删除或修改数据将使文档日志报告无效。
- This parameter specifies whether error logging is enabled for mobile devices. 此参数指定是否为移动设备启用错误日志记录。
- This property specifies whether error logging is enabled for mobile devices. 此属性指定是否为移动设备启用错误日志记录。
- Use this screen to view and update settings for SQL Server Agent error logging. 使用此屏幕可以查看和更新SQL Server代理错误日志记录的设置。
- Remote boot startup failed; check the error log for the cause of the problem. 远程启动失败,请检查错误日志文件,查明出错的原因。
- The script has halted due to an error. Do you wish to view the error log? 由于一个错误,脚本已中断。您要查看错误日志吗?
- UOW also can be obtained from the error log or through the MS DTC monitor. 也可从错误日志中或通过MS DTC监视器获取UOW。
- Audits are written to the error log and to the Windows Event Viewer. 审核将写入错误日志和Windows事件查看器中。
- Also can be obtained from the error log or through the MS DTC monitor. 也可从错误日志中获得,或通过DTC监视器获得。
- Maintains log reports of disk scans, disk status and so on. 保持记录报告的磁盘扫描,磁盘状态等等。
- Right-click Error Logs and select Configure. 右键单击“错误日志”,然后选择“配置”。
- More information about this error may be available in the server error log. 关于这个错误的更多信息请参照服务器上显示的错误日志。
- More information of this error may be available in the server error log. 想获得更多关于此错误的信息,您可以到服务器错误日志中查询。
- More information about this error may be availablein the server error log. 现在正是柿子上市的时候,爱吃柿子的人切莫多食。
- If the delivery service supports error logging, it can log the failure of a particular notification to the database. 如果传递服务支持错误日志记录,则可将特定通知的未送达情况记录到数据库中。
- "Specialized Topics," describes system threads, work items, error logging, and other special programming topics. 第十四章,“专业主题”阐述系统线程,工作条款,错误日志,以及其他的专门程序设计主题。
- For the past few months, police have been logging reports of mysterious discs hovering and weaving over Aliso Viejo and nearby towns. 据《每日电讯报》3月21日报道,在过去的几个月里,警方接到数宗有关奥林奇县阿里索·别霍镇及附近地区上空出现有神秘飞碟盘旋的案情报告。