- error of mean squares 中误差
- error of mean square 中误差
- Methods The criterion of mean square error (MSE) was used to determine the pool size and the number of pools. 方法 以均方误差达到预定精度要求为准则,确定混合样本大小与混合样本量。
- The frequency response of the Wiener filter isderived through minimisation of mean square error in the frequencydomain. 熏肉香肠过滤器的频率特性是获得通过均方错误的低估在频率领域。
- The method focuses on minimizing the ensemble mean square error of the estimation. 该方法可以估计的总体均方误差最小。
- The relationships of bias and mean square error of EFT with SNR and forgetting coefficient are studied. 该文对EFT的瞬时频率表示偏差、均方差值的统计特性与信噪比及遗忘系数的关系进行了分析,给出了相应的仿真结果。
- The results of the test data indicate that the prediction system is reliable and the root of mean square error (RMSE) is about 15%. 最后,该文对风电功率预测系统的经济效益进行估算。
- The Mean Square Error of Neutral Network dropped to 0.001 after 242 training epochs.The maximum relative error of simulated value... 在均方差为0.;001的条件下;网络于242次训练后收敛;模型训练的最大相对误差为2
- Using these models for predicting the contents of rifampicin and isoniazide in validation set, the root mean square error of prediction (RMSEP) are 0.00573 and 0 z.00379. 对预测集样品利福平、异烟肼的含量预测均方根误差(RMSEP)分别为0.;00573,0
- With the prediction model, the RMSEC (root mean square error of calibration) for aromatics and olefins in gasolines were 0.2090 and 0.2142, respectively. 预测模型对汽油中芳烃和烯烃含量的RMSEC分别为0.;2090和0
- RMSEP(root mean squared error of prediction) of benzene and chloroform in PPLS model were 0.043 and 0.087 and the corresponding values in PLS were 0.402 and 0.842,respectively. PPLS的这一预测精度,可以满足遥感傅里叶变换红外光谱对大气中有毒气体的实时、在线监测的需要。
- He does not look fifty by any manner of means. 他看上去一点不像50岁的人。
- Seeing that the ideal error of adaptive line enhancers (ALE) is not equal to zero, a novel variable step size LMS (least mean square) algorithm is presented. 摘要针对自适应谱线增强器(ALE)理想误差不为零的现象,提出了一种新的变步长LMS算法。
- These words are empty of meaning. 这些话毫无意义。
- To quantificationally analyze point spread function (PSF) models for full digital autofocus method, an evaluation method of mean square error between original image and processed image was proposed for comparison performance of algorithms. 摘要为了对用于全数字对焦的点扩散函数模型进行定量分析,提出用原始图像与处理所得图像的均方差进行性能评价的方法。
- There are several layers of meaning. 有几层不同的含意。
- The mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) and the root of mean square error (RMSE) of WA-SVM method was 0.04937 and 0.3453 respectively, whereas MAPE and RMSE of SVM method were 0.08493 and 0.6319. WA-SVM方法预测精度较SVM方法有较大提高,其平均绝对百分比误差和均方根误差分别为0.;04937和0
- He has made serious errors of judgement. 他在判断上犯有严重错误。
- Her words were quite empty of meaning. 她的话实在没有意义。
- By the method of transforming training sequences and calculating the mean square error of the demodulated signal in each subband branch, the optimal wavelet packet best-tree could be decided. 该算法在不增加传输系统复杂度的条件下,通过发送训练序列,并计算各个小波树分支解调信号的均方误差,从而确定最佳树优选分解。