- error of gear tooth profile 齿形误差
- Chamfering process of gear tooth profile and its function are introduced. By tooth profile chamfer, noise of gear transmission can be reduced. 通过对齿轮传动噪声产生原因的分析,介绍运用齿轮倒棱工艺,降低噪声的工艺方法及应用。
- Research on the tooth profile error of gear shaving 剃齿加工齿形误差的研究
- Chamfering Process of Gear Tooth Profile 齿轮倒棱工艺
- micro-modifications of gear tooth profile 齿面微观修形
- The modifications of gear tooth profiles like tooth thickness, tooth tip and edge chamfers and root fillet radius are easily manipulated in a editing window. 如齿厚,齿尖和边缘倒角及根圆角半径齿轮齿廓的修改很容易操纵的编辑窗口。
- Use the Equidistant Alternating Theory to Calculate the Approximate Equation of Gear Tooth Profile about Spiral Bevel Gear 计算螺旋锥齿轮近似齿廓方程等距变换法
- A new method employing rigid cylinder-shaped stylus for measuring the errors of involute tooth profiles of gears is presented. Its principle and measuring results are introduced. 提出一种采用刚性圆柱棒形测头测量渐开线齿形误差的新方法,介绍了测量原理及测量结果。
- Based on the above technologies, the CNC system for the generation motion of gear teeth profiles is developed and used on the CNC reconstruction of Y38A hobbing machine. 开发了功能齿廓曲面展成运动的全闭环数控电轴传动链和同步控制系统,并成功用于Y38A型滚齿机的数控化改造。
- Errors of tooth-to- tooth affect the precision of gear wheels moving placidity, which mainly come from total profile error and base pitch error. 齿轮的一齿误差影响齿轮的运动平稳性精度,它主要由齿轮的齿形误差和基节偏差组成。
- Regrinding of hob and gear tooth profile error 滚刀的重磨与齿形误差
- The tooth profile of this kind of gear was composed of two stepped involutes and a joining trasitional curve between them and formed a ladder shape. 这种齿轮的齿廓由两级渐开线和连接它们的过渡曲线组成,形成阶梯形。
- At last, the concave error of gear profile is quantitatively described by combining bending deformation and contact deformation. 最后综合考虑弯曲变形与接触变形,定量描述被剃齿轮齿形的“中凹”误差;对提高剃齿精度,降低齿轮传动噪声有着重要意义。
- The contact path offsets to the tip and toe of face gear tooth due to it is sensitive to the alignment error especially the error of axis shaft error in the misalignment. 啮合区域对安装误差较为敏感,特别是轴夹角误差的大小,对啮合印痕在齿面上分布的影响尤其明显,容易导致接触区域向面齿轮的大端和小端偏移。
- The effects of geometric eccentric and deformation of gear blank to motion errors is analyzed and an error model for gear s left and right tooth profiles is built. 讨论了齿轮运动误差与模拟齿轮加工过程的关系;分析了齿坯几何偏心和变形对齿轮运动误差的影响;建立了左右齿廓形误差模型。
- Lazebnilk, I. S., “Minimizing tooth profile errors of hobs,” JSME, International Journal, Series C: Soviet Engineering ResearchVol, No. 4, pp. 109-111, 1990. 方宏声,蜗杆蜗轮组之制造分析,国立交通大学博士论文,民国八十五年六月。
- Exact modeling of gear teeth is based on meshing theory. 摘要根据齿轮啮合原理,建立了轮齿的精确齿形。
- Following the rules of machining and outspread principle of involutes,the mathematical model of spur gear teeth profile is built. 根据齿轮加工原理及渐开线展开原理,建立了直齿轮齿廓的数学模型。
- My whole morning's work has been put out of gear by that mishap. 我一个上午的工作全让这倒霉的事给弄得乱了套。
- However, after shaved by shaving cutter with true involute profiles, there are the "mid-concave" phenomena on the pitch points of shaved gear tooth profiles inevitably. 然而用标准渐开线齿形剃齿刀剃齿后,在工件齿形节点附近会出现不同程度的“中凹”现象。