- Error listing domains: creating new support object failed. 域列表错误:无法创建新的支持对象。
- The results of the check are displayed in the Error List window. 检查结果显示在“错误列表”窗口中。
- Each error has an associated entry in the error list. 每个错误在错误列表中有关联的条目。
- If the Error List window is not visible, in the View menu, click Error List. 如果“错误列表”窗口不可见,请在“查看”菜单中单击“错误列表”。
- You can only read the error list while a serialization session is active. 序列化会话处于活动状态时,您只能读取错误列表。
- Any errors in the object definition appear in the Error List window. 对象定义中的任何错误都会显示在“错误列表”窗口中。
- Other violations of the same warning will still be reported in the Error List window. “错误列表”窗口中仍会报告相同警告的其他冲突。
- Otherwise, the diagram becomes locked and the Error List window indicates that the diagram is locked. 否则,关系图会被锁定,并且“错误列表”窗口会指出关系图已被锁定。
- Double-click the error message in the Error List, and change the code to MsgBox("Hello"). 在“错误列表”中双击该错误信息,并将代码更改为MsgBox("Hello")。
- If the Error List window is visible, the error message is displayed there, as well. 如果“错误列表”窗口可见,该错误信息也会在其中显示。
- The specific warning is suppressed and the warning appears with a strike through in the Error List window. 将禁止显示特定警告,并且此类警告在“错误列表”窗口中显示时会带有一条删除线。
- Click on any Error List entry to jump to the line in your code where the problem occurs. 单击“错误列表”上的任何项都可跳转到相应的发生问题的代码行。
- If you double-click the error in the Error List, the offending line of code is highlighted in the Code Editor. 如果您在“错误列表”中双击错误,代码编辑器中将会突出显示有问题的那行代码。
- If you have a Web profile applied, the Error List menu item will be in the View menu. 如果应用了Web配置文件,“错误列表”菜单项则在“视图”菜单中。
- Use the following procedure to clear validation errors from the Error List. 使用以下过程清除“错误列表”中的验证错误。
- When an error occurs in a line of code, it is automatically added to the Error List and to the Output window. 当某行代码中出现错误时,该错误会自动添加到“错误列表”和“输出”窗口中。
- When the constraint fails, the Error List will display the error message you defined. 约束失败时,错误列表将显示您定义的错误信息。
- As well as sending information to the output pane, failing tests also get added to the Error List. 在将信息发送到输出空格同时,测试失败时错误信息也会添加到错误列表窗格。
- Depending on the developer profile you chose, you might have to point to Other Windows on the View menu, and then click Error List. 根据选择的开发人员配置文件,您可能必须指向“视图”菜单上的“其他窗口”,然后单击“错误列表”。
- Moves to the next error entry in the Error List window, which automatically scrolls to the affected section of text in the editor. 移至“错误列表”窗口中的下一个错误项,此窗口将自动滚动到编辑器中受影响的文本部分。