- ergative construction meaning 作格构块意义
- The reader actively engages with the text to construct meaning. 读者积极地参与到文本意义的建构中去。
- The prototype construction meaning throws light on the ambiguity of weak extro-orientational verbs, exocentric verbs. 由于原型句式语义的影响,使弱外向动词和离心动词构成的双宾句形成歧义。
- Abstract: In line with construction grammar, this paper analyzes the differences of construction meaning between double object and dative construction. 文章摘要: 本文从构块式语法的角度观察双宾语结构和与格结构问构块式意义的差异。
- A Cognitive Study of English Ergative Construction 英语作格构块式的认知研究
- This article analyzes the features that distinguish middle construction from passive sentence and ergative construction, the variants of middle construction, as well as similarities and differences between Chinese and English middle constructions. 本文主要分析中间结构不同于一般被动句和作格结构的基本特征、中间结构的变异及英汉中间结构的异同。
- In order for them to succeed in school, they need to learn to use strategies that will enable them to construct meaning from a variety of textual materials and to write for a variety of purposes. 本人在这篇文章讨论图像组织的概念,作为一种有效的读与写策略,并阐述一项以研究为基础的基本原理,以帮助有学习障碍的学生。
- Acting on the procedure of capital construction means a lot to the qua lity and investment effect of a construction project. 是否按照基建程序办事,关系到工程质量的优劣和投资效果。
- Combining engineering example,this paper elaborates seepage prevention construction craft,construction means of complex geomembrane and its quality control demand. 文章结合工程实例,阐述复合土工膜防渗施工工艺,施工方法及其质量控制要求。
- It becomes an important issue to profoundly understand the connotation of the socialist kernel value system, and to carefully analyses its construction means. 深刻认识社会主义核心价值体系的内涵,认真分析其建设途径,成为理论界必须加紧研究的重要课题。
- Combining engineering example, this paper elaborates seepage prevention construction craft, construction means of complex geomembrane and its quality control demand. 摘要文章结合工程实例,阐述复合土工膜防渗施工工艺,施工方法及其质量控制要求。
- The analysis demonstrates that these sentences mainly portray three meanings: constructional meaning, thematic meaning and experiential meaning. 研究表明,处所主语句主要用于表述三种语义:构式义、主题义和经验义。
- A new upsurge in construction is in the making. 一个建设的新高潮正在兴起。
- Unfortunately, rushed and sub-standard construction means that many are actually “hidden hazards”, says Prof Zhou, who also heads a research centre for earthquake-resistant construction. 不幸的是,急于求成和低于标准的建设意味着,许多公共建筑实际上是“隐患”,周教授表示。他还主管一个抗震建筑研究中心。
- Human brain has an innate function: being able to associate this with that, and vice versa.Mental association is the chaining clue for some literary works and construction means for others. 摘要人的大脑天生有一个功能,能够由此与彼的关联想到彼,由彼与此的关联想到此。
- Can you cost out this construction work? 你能估计这项工程的成本吗?
- The house/highway is in course of construction. 该房子/公路正在施工中。
- Construction is a major industry here. 建筑业是此地的主要工业。
- Rather, learning is to be seen as the activities of constructing meanings and understanding within a particular context and situation (Duffy &Cunningham, 1996). 进而,我们也不应把教学视为以精心组织的有吸引力的方式向学生呈现旨在使他们获得的信息。
- There are two new houses under construction. 有两座新房子正在修建。