- Of high cost or worth; valuable. 昂贵的价钱或价值很高的;值钱的
- Books are a high cost of higher education. 在高等教育中书本费是一笔高额的花费。
- era of high cost 高成本时代
- She skirted round the problem of the high cost. 她避而不谈巨额费用问题。
- She slurred over the high cost of her plan. 她避而不提她这一计画费用之巨。
- The era of the backwoods rube is gone. 落后地区乡巴佬的时代已过去了。
- He refused to adopt the plan on the grounds of its high cost. 他拒绝采纳这个计划,原因是成本太高。
- It's an era of the miniskirt in the seventies. 七十年代是超短裙时代。
- In the 1970s and 1980s Keynesian policies came under attack as allegedly responsible for contributing to the era of "stagflation," which was an undesirable combination of high inflation and slow growth. 70和80年代里凯因斯的政策受到一些人的攻击,他们认为这一政策导致了“滞胀”时代的出现。 所谓“滞胀”是指严重通货膨胀和经济发展缓慢这二者的恶性结合。
- The high cost of raw materials is keeping prices up. 原料费用昂贵使得产品价格居高不下。
- In proposing high request for music education in the era of knowledge-driven economy, it should serve for training the talents of high quality and for coordinated development of the economic society. 在知识经济时代对音乐教育提出了更高的要求,音乐教育应该为培养高素质的人才服务,为经济社会的协调发展服务。
- The high cost of the machine prohibits its widespread use. 这机器价格昂贵,很难普及使用。
- With the Mercedes entered the Chinese market and to achieve some of the models made in the past the import and sale of e-class c-class cars are no longer on this era of high profits. 随着奔驰全面进入中国市场,并且实现了部分车型国产化,以往进口销售e级和c级轿车的高利润时代就此不再。
- The high cost prohibits the widespread use of the drug. 该药因价格昂贵而影响其被广泛应用。
- We are now in a great new era of information. 我们现在正处于一个新的伟大的信息时代。
- This may (would) be the result of high cost and sub prim loans made in 2005 and 2006 . 这是2005年和2006年高成本次级贷款的结果,并对当地的房产价格产生了影响。
- The Bologna Process in Europe began a new era of the integration of higher education. 欧洲的波洛尼亚进程(Bologna Process)无疑开创了高等教育一体化的新时代。
- This would be the result of high cost subprime loans made in 2005 and 2006 and the effects on local property values. 这是在2005和2006年形成的高额次级贷款带来的后果,并且对当地财产价值产生了影响。
- We are in a new era of information. 我们现在正处于一个新的信息时代。
- After a year of high costs and poor sales a lot of shops went on the rocks. 一年来成本升高,市场萧条,很多小商店破产了。