- This article presents some conclusion of substitution about equivalent infinite small,and stress on discussing the application in calculation of limit about algebra sum. 本文得到了等价无穷小量代换的一些结论;并着重讨论了等价无穷小量的代换在代数和的极限运算中的应用.
- A Supplement to the Method to Replace Equivalent Infinitely Small Quantity to Ask Limit 关于等价无穷小代换求极限方法的一点补充
- The particles in an atom are infinitely small. 原子里的粒子极小。
- the substitution of equivalent infinite small 等价无穷小代换
- equivalent infinitely small 等价无穷小
- Newton says he has abandoned the infinitesimal or infinitely small quantity. 牛顿说他已放弃了微元或无穷小量。
- equivalent infinite small 等价无穷小
- The infinitely small "dx" and "dy" were sometimes described as vanishing or incipient quantities. 有时候把无穷小量dx和dy描述成正在消失的或者刚出现的量。
- The investigation of its infinitely small components had to await the development of optical methods and is of relatively recent origin. 要研究其无数小的结构成分,必须有待于光学方法的发展,因而其起始较晚。
- Thus his realization extends from the infinitely small to the infinitely great, and from annu (the atom or speck) to atma (or spirit) his knowledge is perfected. 这样他所展现的意识从无限小至无穷大,并且从物质的原子微粒态到精神物质层面其全部内涵均得以完整体现。
- Using the result, it is easy to distinguish ratio of two infinitely small quantity function monotony and certify inequality. 利用结果可简便判别两个无穷小量之比的单调性及证明不等式。
- When the nonlinearity is strong enough, the adiabaticity can break down: an infinitely small external linear force can cause finite tunnelling probability. 特别是当非线性非常强时,系统的绝热性会遭到破坏;一个无穷小的线性驱动都会造成有限的隧穿概率。
- Analytically dividing an object with structural essence up to infintely small "quantity". And to see the way summing up infinitely many infinitely small quantities. 了解如何以无穷小之观念去了解这个世界。使用、见识无穷小观念在计算上之威力。
- A Promoted Proposition on Asking the Limit with Equivalence Infinite Small Quantity Substitution Theorem 关于用等价无穷小量代换定理求极限的一个推广命题
- That was infinitely better than his last film. 这比他上一部电影不知胜过多少倍。
- The city has its cunning wiles,no less than the infinitely smaller and more human tempter. 大城市具有自身种种诱人的花招,并不亚于那些教人学坏的男男女女。
- That depiction makes it sound as though nanotech is merely looking to use infinitely smaller parts than conventional engineering. 这种说法很容易让人以为奈米科技只是打算用极小的东西取代传统设计。
- The city has its cunning wiles, no less than the infinitely smaller and more human tempter. 大城市具有自身种种诱人的花招,并不亚于那些教人学坏的男男女女,当然人比社会微小得多,也更富于人情味。
- On arriving in the vicinity of the colossus, Gavroche comprehended the effect which the infinitely great might produce on the infinitely small, and said:-- "Don't be scared, infants. 到了那庞然大物附近,伽弗洛什意识到无限大能对无限小所起的作用,他说道:“伢子!你们不用害怕。”
- A dime is equivalent to ten pennies. 一角等于十分。