- The numerical results of smeared crack model, including load-carrying capacity, crack propagating depth and equivalent crack opening displacement, . 数值算例表明弥散裂缝模型与分离裂缝模型计算精度接近但其效率更高。
- equivalent crack propagation 等效裂纹扩展
- Crack propagation usually begins slowly. 裂纹的增长常常是开始缓慢。
- Grain size had some effect on the rate of crack propagation. 晶粒尺寸大小对裂纹扩展速率也有影响。
- An automatic 3D crack propagation program based on the FE method was proposed. 摘要提出了一个基于有限元方法的自动三维裂纹扩展仿真系统模型。
- Crack propagation from the flameout edge can be modeled by considering an edge crack in the martensite surface from flame cutting. 裂纹从烧割边缘的扩展可模拟为一个从烧割处的马氏体表面起始的边裂纹。
- The short crack propagation is intensifiedby cathode-protection potential in the condition of erosion fatigue. 在腐蚀疲劳条件下外加阴极保护电位促进短裂纹扩展;
- The behaviours of fracture, fatigue and fatigue crack propagation in a cast magnesium alloy are systematically studied. 本文系统地研究了铸造镁合金的断裂;疲劳和疲劳裂纹扩展性能.
- Fracture toughness is a material's ability to resist crack propagation and it is an important property of paper. 断裂韧性是材料抵抗裂缝延伸、扩展的能力,是纸张一种重要的强度性能。
- Through the calculation of amendatory stress intensity factors of the crack-tip under the condition of small scale yielding,the disadvantage of the method of equivalent crack length is found. 简要介绍了断裂力学的发展,通过在小范围屈服条件下裂纹尖端修正的应力强度因子的计算,发现用等效裂纹长度方法的不足。
- Criteria for crack propagation of ceramic materials are deduced from nonlocal elasticity theory in this paper. 本文根据非局部弹性理论推导了陶瓷材料的裂纹扩展准则。
- The fatigue crack growth rate is the core for predicting fatigue life by use of fatigue crack propagation(FCP) theory. 疲劳裂纹扩展率表达式是采用疲劳裂纹扩展理论预报疲劳寿命的核心。
- Transgranular fracture. Fracture of polycrystalline materials by crack propagation through the grains. 穿晶断裂:多晶材料裂纹穿过晶粒扩展而断裂。
- The addition of AlO_2 tended to shorten the period of time for crack initiation, whereas to retard crack propagation. 对钢的应力腐蚀存在双重影响,即促进裂纹萌生,同时又对裂纹扩展起抑制作用。
- Brittle fracture. Fracture that occurs by rapid crack propagation and without appreciable macroscopic deformation. 脆性断裂:通过快速裂纹扩展发生断裂,没有明显的宏观变形。
- The EFM was employed to establish the crack propagation model of rock under the action of transient temperature field. 摘要应用无单元法建立了瞬态温度场作用的岩体裂缝扩展模型。
- Intergranular fracture. Fracture of polycrystalline materials by crack propagation along grain boundaries. 沿晶断裂:多晶材料裂纹沿着晶界扩展而断裂。
- At lower temperature,rapid crack propagation(RCP)of polyethylene (PE) pressure plastic pipelines will happen easily. 聚乙烯压力管道在低温时易出现裂纹快速扩展,其破坏一般都具有突发性,难以预防。
- Analyses of dynamic crack propagation and crack arrest for a specified initial flaw size, external geometry, and applied load can be conducted in either of two different ways. 为特定的初始裂纹尺寸、外部几何形状和应用载荷对动态裂纹扩展和裂停止进行分析,可以用两种不同方法中的任何一种来进行。
- The morphology of crack propagation indicate that there is the toughening mechanism of whisker's pull- out and crack deflection. 裂纹进展形态表明,存在晶须拔出及裂纹偏转增韧机制。