- equivalent anchor items 相等参照测验题
- the ratio of anchor items to the test items 铆题比
- The anchor man in a relay team runs last. 接力队中的主力跑最后一棒。
- A dime is equivalent to ten pennies. 一角等于十分。
- Please verify each item you have pricked down. 请把你已用小记号标出的每一个项目核对一下。
- Many items in daily use are made out of plastic. 有很多日常生活用品是塑料制的。
- Several boats lay at anchor in the harbour. 港湾里停泊著几只船。
- Now we'll get on to the next item on the agenda. 现在我们来讨论下一项议程。
- The anchor chain took charge and ran out. 锚链失去控制而滑了出来。
- All these items have been checked up. 所有项目都已核对过了。
- The dividend pay is equivalent to one quarter of the pretax profit. 所付股息相当于税前利润的四分之一。
- Many items in daily use are made of plastic. 很多日常生活用品是用塑料制成的。
- A dime is the equivalent of two nickels. 一角硬币等于两个五分镍币。
- Do you know if they like this new item? 你知道他们是否喜欢这个新品种?
- A meter is equivalent to 39.37 inches. 一米相当於三十九点三七英寸。
- The ship lay at anchor in the bay. 这艘船停泊在海湾。
- The ships cast anchor because of the heavy fog. 船因浓雾拋锚。
- His reply is equivalent to a refusal. 他的回答等於是拒绝。
- The ship cast anchor at Shanghai. 这船在上海下锚停泊。
- Please advise me which item I should buy. 请问我该先买哪个品种。