- Normally a financial market co ists of foreign exchange market, money market, bond market and equity market. 通常,金融市场包括外汇市场、货币市场、债券市场和股票市场。
- Our focus is on the stock, or equity market. 我们专攻股票;或产权投资市场.
- October was a mixed month for global equity markets. 对全球股票市场来说,十月是一个充满变数的月份。
- Investors can also ''stock pick'' as they do in the equity market. 投资者在债券市场也可以像在股市那样挑选债券来投资。
- Global equity markets fell by 8% with markets in Asia faring worse. 全球股票市场下跌8%25,其中亚洲市场的表现更糟。
- Investors can also''stock pick''as they do in the equity market. 投资者在债券市场也可以像在股市那样挑选债券来投资。
- Investors can also 'stock pick' as they do in the equity market. 投资者在债券市场也可以像在股市那样挑选债券来投资。
- The US REIT market fell in sympathy with the overall equity market. 美国REIT市场和股市同步下跌。
- ESTABLISHING credibility has been a hard slog for China's equity markets. 对中国股市来说,如何建立信誉是个艰巨的任务。
- This matters to equity markets, which try to preempt economic turns. 这对股票市场是意义重大的,因为股市总是试图超前经济形势的转折点。
- If equity markets continue to retrace, gold prices are likely to trade higher. 若股市继续回吐,金价势必重拾升轨。
- The availability of equity market and debt market financing are also relevant. 股票市场与债务市场的融资也是原因之一。
- Also, further government tightening could decelerate the current outflow of bank liquidity into equity markets. 同时,政府进一步实施紧缩政策也会减缓目前银行资金流入股票市场的势头。
- The Foreign Exchange market co ists of the exchange dealers of the banks and the exchange brokers. 外汇市场是由银行的外汇交易员和经纪人所组成,分为两大部分:即期交易市场和远期交易市场。
- The ongoing risk aversion in equity markets has benefited US and European government bonds. 股票市场正在进行的风险规避活动使美国及欧洲的政府债券获益。
- The equity markets rallied and the economy after experiencing a hiccup, continued to grow for another 30 months. 股市上涨,经济在经历打击后出现了连续30个月的增长。
- The capitalisation of the three main US equity markets is $22,200bn, while that of US Treasury debt is $4,600bn. 美国三大主要股市的市值为22.;2万亿美元,而美国国债市场市值只有4
- Within Asia, the sharpest falls were in Chinese equity markets, which were strong performers in previous months. 在亚洲,下跌最剧烈的是中国股市,这一市场在前几个月表现一直很强劲。
- The backdrop of solid economic and corporate profit growth is positive for equity markets. 稳固的经济以及公司收益增长对股票市场而言是利好消息。
- Banks may still be reluctant to make loans, but debt and equity markets have regained a hearty appetite for risk. 银行也许仍然不愿贷款,但债务市场与股本市场已经重拾了对于风险的强烈兴趣。