- equity financing versus debt 增股筹资与借款筹资的比较
- Finance literature hasu mainly looked at the cost implication of debt versus equity financing when considering the determinants of airm's innovation Boobs sgtrategy. 当考虑一个公司的创新战略的决策时,金融文献的研究主要看负债与金融资产净值的潜在成本。
- Finance literature has mainly looked at the cost implication of debt versus equity financ Boobs ng whenconsidering the determinants of a firm's innovation strategy. 当考虑一个公司的创新战略的决策时,金融文献的研究主要看负债与金融资产净值的潜在成本。
- quality financing versus debt 增股筹资与借款筹资的比较
- Unlike debt financing, the decision for a business or a bank to choose equity financing is a difficult one. 不像债务融资,企业或银行要选择股权融资的决定非常困难。
- IFC limits the total amount of own-account debt and equity financing it will provide for any single project. 国际金融公司限额它提供的任何一个工程的债务的总数目和股权融资项目。
- Debt financing must be repaid, but it is less expensive than equity financing , as interest payments are tax-deductible. 债务融资必须偿还,但比股票融资便宜,因为所偿还的利息可以减税。
- Why Chinese Listed Companies Prefer Equity Financing? 上市公司为何青睐股权融资?
- Equity financing never has to be repaid, but the business must relinquish a share of the profits, or some decision-making rights ? or both. 股票融资无须归还,但企业必须让出部分利润,或一些决策权,甚至两者都要让出。
- Equity financing also requires a willingness to share management control with the investors. 股权融资还要求自愿与投资商分享经营管理权。
- Equity financing involves just borrowing money and repaying the principal with interest. 股权融资涉及到借款和付还本息。
- Equity financing requires that you sell an ownership interest in the business in exchange for capital. 权益融资需要企业所有者出让企业的所有权利益来换取资本.
- Large shareholder expropriates through equity financing,cash dividends,assets transactions and mortgages. 大股东通过股权融资、占用资金、现金股利、资产交易、担保等多种方式攫取利益。
- In addition to equity financing Yuzu of factors, listed companies keen issued bonds with low-cost financing. 除股权融资遇阻的因素之外,上市公司热衷发行公司债还与低廉的融资成本有关。
- Collectively, they raised$11 billion in equity financing last year, largely on the strength of China's unabated appetite for raw materials. 去年它们一共获得110亿美元的股本筹资,这大部分归功于中国对原材料的强劲需求。
- The SGR is the maximum growth rate that can be achieved with no external equity financing while maintaining a constant debt/equity ratio. 可持续增长率是没有任何外部融资情况下,企业维持恒定的债务/资本比率而仍能达成的最高增长。
- Collectively, they raised $11 billion in equity financing last year, largely on the strength of China's unabated appetite for raw materials. 去年它们一共获得110亿美元的股本筹资,这大部分归功于中国对原材料的强劲需求。
- Another reason we expect is that the easiness of equity financing gives listed companies more free cash flow which helps overinvestment. 另外,股权分置的格局导致了我国上市公司极强的股权融资偏好,融资的低成本也促成了过度投资的发生。
- Alternatively, you can try to get bank loans or you can try to raise equity financing from angel investors or venture capitalists. 另外,你也可以向银行贷款,或者说服善良的投资者或愿意冒风险的资本家向你提供赞助。
- Relinquishing some of the decision-making and some of thepotential for profits are the main disadvantages of equity financing. 因此作为股份融资来说,缺点就是会丧失一些决策权及潜在收益。