- equilateral hemianopsia [医] 同侧偏盲, 对称性偏盲
- The angles are equal,for ABC is equilateral. 三角相等,因为三角形ABC是等边三角形。
- This regular mosaic is a pattern made up of equilateral triangles. 这个规则的马赛克是由多个等边三角形拼接而成。
- Use your protractor to construct an equilateral triangle. 用量角器作一个等边三角形。
- Square has four equilateral side and four right angle. 正方形有四条等边和四个直角.
- A square has four equilateral sides and right angles. 正方形有四条等边和四个直角.
- It is called Equilateral Triangle that a triangle has equal legs. 三条边都相等的三角形叫做等边三角形。
- An equilateral triangle has all sides equal and all angles equal. 两条平行线与第三条线相交,相对的角相等。
- The square has four equilateral line and four right-angle. 正方形有四条等边和四个直角.
- Diagram 3 consists of several equilateral triangles of equal size. 图3是由同样大小的等边三角形所组成的。
- Each face is an equilateral triangle and three faces meet at each vertex. 每一个面是正三角形并且于每一个顶点处有三个面相交。
- An equilateral triangle would be formed with its associated 60 degree angle. 一个等边三角形是由关联的60度来组成的。”
- Type C closely resembles nonfunctioning pituitary adenomas with bitemporal hemianopsia and hypopituitarism. C型类似无功能垂体腺瘤,除视野缺损外,还有双颞侧偏盲。
- An equilateral triangle cannot be dissected into finitely many incongruent equilateral triangles. 等边三角形不能分成有限多个不全等的等边三角形。
- We present a female patient wills clinical manifestation of pituitary tumor but visual field reveals homonymous hemianopsia. 我们在此介绍一病例,以同侧视半盲视野缺捐表现之脑下垂体肿瘤。
- Rusults There were no mortality and serious morbidity besides 4 slight hemiparalysis and 8 hemianopsia in postoperative patients. 结果术后轻度偏瘫4例,同向偏盲8例。无手术死亡率和其它严重并发症。
- It passes through the N atom and through the center of the equilateral triangle. 它通过N原子及三个H原子组成的等边三角形的中心。
- Equilateral triangle that appears to be carved into marble. The triangle contains a circle; both are bisected vertically. 像是镌刻在大理石上的等边三角形。三角形中有一个内接圆;圆和三角形都被竖直等分。
- A six - pointed star formed by extending each of the sides of a regular hexagon into equilateral triangles. 六角星形把一个正六边形的各边延长相交成几个等边三角形而得到的六角星