- equally effective loci 等效基因座
- Other samples of the Living Newspaper were equally effective. 其他活报剧也同样有力。
- The Chinese and foreign-language versions shall have equal effect. 两种文字书写的文件具有同等效力。
- It's not that dire therat,but I believe it's equally effective in terms of aggressors like Saddam Hussein. 虽然它没有可怕的威胁,但我相信它在对付像萨达姆·侯赛因那样的侵略者时会同样有效。
- Though more time consuming, this strategy can be equally effective in the long run. 虽然较费时,这个策略可以同样有效的长远发展。
- When dancing the cha-cha is less injurious, far more enjoyable, and equally effective in resolving the tension? 而实际上,跳一曲恰恰舞危险更小、更有情趣、更能化解紧张局面?
- It's not that dire therat, but I believe it's equally effective in terms of aggressors like Saddam Hussein. 虽然它没有可怕的威胁,但我相信它在对付像萨达姆·侯赛因那样的侵略者时会同样有效。
- The contract is to be written in Chinese and English and both languages are equally effective. 合同要用汉语和英语写,两种语言的合同具有同等效力。
- Equally effective in checking back flows from head pressure on the discharge or suction sides of pump. 无论是泵的排泄口的排出压力,还是泵的吸入口,其流体止回的效果都是相同的。
- Jefferson kept his seat,reined in his restive steed,and putan equally effective rein upon his own temper. 杰斐逊依然坐在马鞍上,用缰绳控制着烦躁的马,并同样有效地控制了自己的脾气。
- The organizers say all soaps are equally effective at removing disease-causing germs. 组织者表示所有的肥皂对于去除致病细菌效果都是一样的。
- However for P supply, DAP was found superior source and rock phosphate tended to be equally effective source of P in acid laterite soil. 不过对于磷素供应来说,磷酸二铵是最好的来源,磷矿粉在酸性红壤土上同样有效。
- Results Doppler-guided hemorrhoidal artery ligation and Milligan-Morgan hemorrhoidecomy were equally effective in controlling preoperative symptoms. 结果结扎组和切除组患者术前症状均得到有效控制。
- The hope was also that it would prove to be better tolerated in these older patients, who are likely to have comorbidities, but equally effective. 同时也期望证实对于有可能同时患有其它疾病的老年患者,它在同样疗效下耐受性更佳。
- The original of the contract is written in both Chinese and English. Each language is legally of equal effect. 合同正本采用英文写成。两种文本具有同等法律效力。
- Both histamine (200 ng, icv) and histidine (1000 mg/kg, ip) were equally effective in in-creasing the histamine content in the cortex, hippocam-pus, and hypothalamus. 组胺(200 ng)和组胺酸(1000 mg/kg)均可有效地增加大脑皮层、海马及下丘脑中的组胺含量.
- "This study suggests that the lap band provides a safer and equally effective weight loss strategy compared to the gastric bypass," said Evan Nadler, M. “该研究表明,相比较胃旁路术,带捆绑术提供了安全并一样有效的减肥策略,”EvanNadler说,他是纽约医药大学外科助理教授和儿科微创外科主任,M.
- Current cost of replacing a fixed asset with a new one of equal effectiveness. 用新的同等功效的东西代替原资产的市场价。
- The contract is drawn in both Chinese and English versions. Both texts have equal effect. 本合同以中英文两种文字拟成,两种文本同等有效。
- That's rather an effective use of color. 这种使用颜色的手法效果相当好。