- epidermal rete [医] 生发层
- Histopathology showed moderate hyperkeratosis and rete ridge elongation with the epidermal thinning above the papillar layer and a few melanophages in the dermis. 腋下、腹股沟、乳房下色素沉着15年,无明显自觉症状。
- Dipartimento di Ingegneria rete. 网络工程部。
- An epidermal cell capable of synthesizing melanin. 黑素细胞能合成黑色素的表皮细胞
- AMP rete di cinque super-salto Linea.Jumper sei. AMP网络超五类跳线.;六类跳线
- An epidermal cell capableof synthesizing melanin. 黑素细胞能合成黑色素的表皮细胞。
- A fine, hairlike epidermal outgrowth. 长柔毛微小、毛状的表皮衍生物
- The border of epidermal tissue surrounding a fingernail or toenail. 甲周皮围绕手指甲或脚指甲的表面组织边缘。
- Pechino, Cina, Sud Pechino Pechino il 19, 2019 era di stanza rete. 公司地址:中国北京北京市北京市海淀区海淀南路19号,时代网络2019室。
- An epidermal scale, as that associated with dandruff. 头皮屑一种与头垢有关的表皮鳞屑
- A water-excreting microscopic epidermal structure in many plants. 排水器许多植物所具有的一种很细小的表皮结构,具有排水功能
- An epidermal scale,as that associated with dandruff. 这种洗发液可防治头皮屑。
- Epidermal feature of the leaves of Taxus in relation to taxonomy. 红豆杉属叶子表皮特征与分类的关系.
- Una rete del cielo per offrirvi tutti i tipi di informazioni per fare soldi! 网创天空为您提供各种赚钱信息!
- Epidermal growth factor is a single-chain peptide with 53 amino-acid residue. 表皮生长因子(epidermal growth factor EGF)是最初从小鼠的下颌下腺提取的一种含有53个氨基酸残基的单链多肽。
- Properties: softly thoroughly remove dead epidermal cells, whiten skin. 特点:柔和的祛除皮肤表层死细胞,嫩白肌肤。
- A case of molluscum contagiosum occurring in epidermal cyst is reported. 报告1例传染性软疣伴发表皮囊肿。
- The author studies the calculation of steel in reinforcement conc rete bending member with round section. 这种计算方法会造成钢材的较大浪费。
- At the time of pre-dehiscence, the epidermal and endothecium are still intact. 花药开裂前,表皮及内壁层仍保持完整。
- The nucellar epidermal cell cuts off several layer mucellar parietal cells. 珠心表皮细胞平周分裂产生多层珠心周缘细胞,为厚珠心。