- enzyme activity in seaweed 藻类酶活性
- The enzyme activity in fermentation liquid could be inhibited by PMSF and DFP. 该发酵液所含蛋白酶活性能够被丝氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂PMSF,DFP完全抑制。
- The swimmer was entangled in seaweed. 游泳者被海草缠住了。
- Dynamic Changes in Enzyme Activity in Fluvo-aquic Soil under Application of Lanthanum. 镧施用下黄潮土酶活性的动态变化。
- Pollen Germination and Change of Protective Enzyme Activity in Style of Self-Incompatible Brassica oleracea L. 自交不亲和甘蓝的花粉萌发与花柱内保护酶活性变化。
- IDO enzyme activity in MSCs inhibited T-lymphocytes proliferation of MLR cultures. MSCs的IDO活性能抑制MLC体系中T淋巴细胞增殖率。
- The changes of sugar and related enzyme activity in kiwifruit during softening and senescence were researched. 研究了猕猴桃果实软化衰老过程的糖以及与糖类相关酶活性的变化。
- ALP enzyme activity in each group of treatment raised obviously, but the ACP enzyme activity was not influenced. 各处理组ALP酶活力明显升高,而ACP酶活力不受影响;
- IDO enzyme activity in leukemia cells inhibited T-lymphocyte proliferation in MLR cultures. 白血病细胞上的IDO活性抑制MLR体系中T淋巴细胞的增殖。
- Effects of Phytase and Non-Starch Polysaccharide Enzyme Supplementation in Diets on Growth and Digestive Enzyme Activity in Large Yellow Croaker, Pseudosciaena crocea R. 饲料中添加植酸酶和非淀粉多糖酶对大黄鱼生长和消化酶活性的影响。
- Variation of different dosages of ethanol on the heart contractility, plasma NO content and ATP enzyme activity in erythrocytes of rabbits models are obvious. 乙醇处理家兔在体心脏收缩力和血浆NO含量及红细胞膜ATP酶活力均有变化。
- The genetic character of foreign antisense-trxs gene and debranching enzyme activity in transgenic line 01TY34-73-9 were detected by PCR and enzyme activity. 以转反义硫氧还蛋白基因株系01TY34-73-9及其对照品种‘豫麦34’为材料,运用PCR检测和酶活性测定的方法,对转基因株系遗传稳定性以及转基因与对照种子中脱支酶活性进行测定。
- They live in seaweed beds in warm water. 它们生活在温暖的海草下面。
- Ma Y H,Wei M,Wang X F.Variation of microflora and enzyme activity in continuous cropping cucumber soil in solar greenhouse[J].Chin.J.Appl.Ecol.,2004,15(6):1005-1008. [1]马云华;魏珉;王秀峰.;日光温室连作黄瓜根区微生物区系及酶活性的变化[J]
- There has been a lot of activity in the town today. 今天市中心相当热闹。
- The lowest enzyme activity appeared in gill and higher activities in pileus and stipe. 子实体的不同部位中,菌褶中三种酶的活性均为最低,而菌肉和菌柄中酶活性相对较高。
- Changes in Sorbitol Content and Its Related Enzyme Activities in the Early Developing Ovaries of Amygdalus persica L. 桃树子房发育初期山梨醇含量及其相关酶活性的变化。
- Showing no optical activity in polarized light. 无旋光的极化光下无光学反应的
- Q enzyme activity in strong grains reached its peak on 10th DAA, while in weak grains reached the highest on 5th DAA. The expression time of Q enzyme activity in strong grains was later than that in weak grains. 强势粒Q酶活性花后10天达到峰值,弱势粒花后5天时酶活性最高,强势粒Q酶活性表达时间迟于弱势粒。
- The frequency distribution of TPMT activity in Caucasian population studies is trimodal: 0.3% subjects have undetectable activity, 11% have intermediate activity and 89% inherit high enzyme activity. 在白种人中TPMT活性呈三态分布:0.;3%25呈无活性;11%25中等活性;其余为高酶活性。