- The Method for Overcoming the Difficulty in Enzymatic Aqueous Extraction Soybean Oil 酶法水相提取大豆油难点的解决方法
- enzymatic aqueous extraction 酶法浸出
- enzymatic hydrolysis followed by aqueous extraction 水酶复合法
- Methods:The ability of eliminating OH -, O 2 - and MDA by aqueous extraction of RPS were detected. 方法 :通过检测炒紫苏子水提物对OH-、O2 -及MDA的影响 ,评价药物的抗氧化作用。
- The acute LD_(50) in mice was found to be 3.7g/kg for the aqueous extract of Asiatic todalia(F01)by i.p. 飞龙掌血的水提物飞龙一号(F01)给小鼠腹腔注射;其 LD_(50)=3.;70g/kg。 F01(80mg/kg)对麻醉 S
- The antibacterial effect of the aqueous extract of Chinese gallnut on anaerobic strains in the root canals was proved. 本实验证实了五倍子糊剂在感染根管内的抑菌效果。
- CONCLUSION: The aqueous extract of Pulsatilla Chinensis Regel showed antimutagenesis and antioxidation activities. 结论: 白头翁水提物具有抗诱变和抗氧化作用。
- Objective:To study the antibacteria effect of aqueous extract and ethanol extract of mulberry leaves in vitro. 目的研究桑叶水提物及不同浓度醇提物的体外抑菌和杀菌作用。
- PURPOSE: To observe the influence of the aqueous extract of Chinese gallnut on root canal dentinal tubules in vitro. 目的:体外观察五倍子水提取物对根管预备后牙本质小管的影响。
- Objective: To identify five constituents in the aqueous extract of Isatis indigotica Fort. 目的:鉴定大青叶水提液中的化学成分。
- The allelochemicals of aqueous extract from fresh rice straw was preliminary separated. 对水稻秸秆水浸提液的化感物质作了初步的分离。
- AIM: To observe the effect of the aqueous extract of Chinese nutgall on 5 common periodontal bacteria . 目的:观察五倍子对5种常见牙周细菌的作用。
- Paper, board and pulp tests. Determination of pH of aqueous extracts. 纸张、纸板和纸浆试验。水提取物pH值的测定。
- The results showed that the high concentration aqueous extract of Areca catechu L.had inhibition on the germination and growth of Z. mays,C. 结果表明:槟榔叶浸提液在对玉米、南瓜和黄豆的萌发和根生长的影响呈现高浓度抑制、低浓度促进的现象;
- Results The bacteriostasis effece of aqueous extract and alcohol extract is better than that of acoet extract, acetone, ethyl. 结果:乌蕨醇提物、水提物抑菌作用明显强于其乙酸乙酯提物、丙酮提物、正丁醇提物。
- The inhibition activities of aqueous extract of Momordica charantia Linn to some food polluted microorganisms were studied. 分析了苦瓜水提物对十种常见食品污染微生物的抑菌活性。
- PURPOSE: To make a therapeutic membrane with aqueous extract from coptis root and explore its adjunctive effects for treating chronic periodontitis. 摘要目的:制备并探讨黄边药膜对慢性牙周炎的辅助治疗作用。
- The ultrafiltration technology of hollow fiber membranes(PVDF and PS) was researched on the separation of aqueous extract of Thesium Chinese Turcz. 研究了聚偏氟(PVDF)及聚砜(PS)中空纤维膜在百蕊草提取液初分离过程中的应用。
- Methods Yinchentuihuang Mixture was prepared with aqueous extraction,and the Radix et Rhizoma Rhei and Cortex Phellodendri of the mixture were identified by TLC. 方法将处方中药材用水提法制成合剂,采用薄层色谱法对合剂中大黄(酒炙)、黄柏进行鉴别。
- Objective To explore the anti-inflammation and analgesia effect of Radix Fici Hirtae aqueous extract, and its protection effect on acute liver injury. 目的探讨五指毛桃水提液的抗炎镇痛及对急性肝损伤的保护作用,为临床运用提供依据。