- No other detrimental environmental influences. 没有其他有害条件的影响。
- Soil pH and other environmental influences affect blank shank. 土壤pH值和其它环境变化也影响黑胫
- The sum of environmental influences and conditions acting on an organism. 作用于生物的环境影响和条件的总称。
- The expression of a specific trait, such as stature or blood type, based on genetic and environmental influences. 遗传环境互应结果某一特定特征的表达,如由遗传或环境影响决定的身高或血型
- A state of being sealed off from external or environmental influences; isolation. 封闭状态与外界或环境影响隔绝的状态:隔离状态:
- Acquired at birth or during uterine development,as a result of either hereditary or environmental influences. 先天的由于遗传或环境影响在出生或出生前就获得的
- The observable physical or biochemical characteristics of an organism,as determined by both genetic makeup and environmental influences. 表现型有机体上可观察到的物理或生化特征,如由遗传组成或环境影响决定
- Drug addiction is a serious worldwide problem with strong genetic and environmental influences. 药物成瘾是一种全世界性的严重问题,这一问题受到很强的遗传及环境影响。
- Environmental influences (allergy, infection, lifestyle and diet) have the important role on the development of asthma. 环境(过敏、感染、生活方式和饮食)对哮喘的发生有重要的影响。
- Acquired at birth or during uterine development, as a result of either hereditary or environmental influences. 由于遗传或环境影响在出生或出生前就获得的
- Seed Yield Response of Smooth Brome to Nitrogen, Plant Growth Regulator and Environmental Influences. 氮肥、植物生长调节剂和环境因素对无芒雀麦种子生产的影响。
- The observable physical or biochemical characteristics of an organism, as determined by both genetic makeup and environmental influences. 表现型有机体上可观察到的物理或生化特征,如由遗传组成或环境影响决定
- Stress is how your body reacts to physical, chemical, emotional or environmental influences. 紧张和压力是一个人的身体对物理,化学,情绪和环境影响的反映。
- The major causes of the losses are due to the subjective and objective factors,as well as internal causes and external environmental influences. 造成企业亏损既有主观因素 ,又有客观因素 ,既有企业内部的原因 ,又有企业外部环境变化的影响。
- Mom does not listen namely " unhealthy environmental influences that cause disease " , buy many kilograms of 10 duck's egg, souse rises. 妈妈就是不听“邪”,买来10多公斤鸭蛋,腌制起来。
- Members of this group undergo both sexual and asexual reproductive processes at different times in their life cycle, and in response to varying environmental influences. 大多数成员有性和非性繁殖两种,在不同生命循环中有不同形式,并依据环境变化而变化。
- The future goals will be not only to identify the genes involved but also to understand the interplay of genetic predisposition with environmental influences. 将来的研究目标不仅要明确参与疾病发生、发展的基因,还要了解遗传易感性与环境因素对于疾病发生的相互作用。
- In job of villages and towns old prefectural king publicizes unhealthy environmental influences that cause disease to grow Huang Enhao.Deep criterion this.. 在乡镇工作多年的县王宣传邪长黄恩豪.深则这次...
- The UHV DC testing site is the first testing site for experimental studies in key enabling technologies,environmental influences,insulation,radio interferences,etc. 特高压直流试验基地工程是为关键性技术、环境影响、绝缘特性、无线电干扰等方面提供试验研究的第1个特高压直流试验基地。
- He is insensitive to the environment. 他对环境感觉不敏锐。