- GSTM1 gene deletion might bea risk fac tor for endometriosis in women of Han nationality who are native residents in Gu angdong Province. GSTM1基因缺失可能是广东汉族妇女内异症发病的危险性因素之一。
- This paper describes strategic selection of adaptive control,puts forward convergence rate as evaluation fac tor,and introducesa new and practical method. 本文阐述自适应控制策略的工程选择。 提出收敛速度等评估因素,介绍新方法的实用性。
- Con clu sion:The study suggests that the SE gene is the risk fac tor of RA in the population of Han na-tion ality in Shan dong area and the suscep ti bility to RA is related with HLA-DR4rather than HLA-DR1and HLA-DR10. 结论:山东地区RA易感性与共同表位(SE)有关,其中主要和HLA-DR4关联密切。 HLA-DR1,DR10不是RA易感基因。
- Fac tor values of twenty amino acids for cis peptide conformation were used to class ify and predict the two protein datasets having cis peptide bonds and without cis peptide bonds. 氨基酸百分含量;
- In environment of grid, the strategy of resource selection is one of the key fac tors determining performance of application. 在网格环境下,资源选择的策略是决定应用程序性能的关键因素之一。
- Brain--derived neurotrophic fac tor 脑源性神经营养因子
- The research indicaes that the degeneration of ecological environment results from natural fac tors and irrational man - made activities as well, and puts forward the rational way of improvement and reconstruction adapt ing this area. 研究结果表明,生态环境的退化是自然因素和不合理的人为活动影响的结果,根据生态环境现状与成因提出了适应本区生态环境治理与重建的对策。
- Many fac tors in fluenced on preharvest sprouting and the inner factors were main factors. 指出影响作物采前发芽的因素较多,但起主要作用的是内因,即休眠期短或没有休眠期。
- Objective:To investigate the prognostic fac tors for breast cancer patients with liver or lung involvement. 目的 :分析影响乳腺癌肝肺转移患者的预后因素。
- When some main fac tors change, there is uncertainty in economic forecast if the forecast method is used as usual. 经济预测中发生主要影响因素改变时 ;若采用通常的预测方法会因历史数据过少而出现较大误差 .
- Now we discussed fac tors of affecting differentiation of shoots and established regeneration system of maize embryo leaf of inbred lines in northeast. 探讨了影响不定芽分化的因素,初步建立了玉米胚叶的再生体系。
- STUDY SELECTION:Totally 105 papers about the psychotherapy and influencing fac tors of adolescent depression were included. 资料选择:选择青少年抑郁的心理治疗和影响因素相关文献105篇。
- Some fac tors could affect SLN detection in breast cancer,and many efforts should be tak en to improve SLN detection techniques. 乳腺癌SLN探查的成功率受到诸多因素的影响,其探查技术亦需进一步的研究来提高。 陈景,吴华玫景
- There is a specific dialectical causality between the four fac tors which are basic to control terrigenous sequence development. 这四大控制陆相层序发育的基本因素之间存在着一种特定的因果关系。
- Conclusion: Stress of study, less sleep and anxiety in students before matriculation examination are important fac tors associated with TMD. 结论:高考前学生的学习压力、睡眠不足等导致紧张心理、焦虑情绪,是TMD的主要发病因素。
- The creativity cycle and the organiz ation cycle are the two important fac tors that affect the creative powers of teach-ers at colleges and universities. 创造力的生命周期与组织的生命周期是影响高校教师创造力的两个重要因素。
- One of the important fac tors that affect the cost structure of optical com po nents is the test cost,which can be40%of the total cost of optical component. 影响光器件成本结构的一个重要因素是测试成本,它最多可以占到光器件成本的40%25。
- Data of sea level changes corrected for the influences of periodic and non-geriodic fac tors show relative crustal deformation in the areas of tide gause stations. 通过消除对海平面资料主要周期和非周期因素的影响,订正海平面表征了验潮站地区相对的地形变信息。
- The main fac tors that affect voice quality includes delay,jit ter,pack age -loss,signal edge -cut,channel SNR,signal level and the size of voice package. 影响语音质量的主要因素包括时延及抖动、丢包、信号沿切割、通道信噪比、信号电平和语音包大小等。
- There was significant difference in the fac tors of food dangers including microbes, heavy metals, pesticide and insecticide , between different manufacture techniques. 食品危害因素中,微生物、重金属、农药及杀虫剂使用残留、各种生产工艺造成的食品不合格存在显著性差异。