- environmental cost disclosure 环境成本披露
- The trade activity (external factor) affecting environment and the problem of environmental cost internalization (internal factor) are also analyzed and discussed. 对影响环境的贸易(外部因素)与环境成本内部化(内部因素)问题,分别进行了分析;
- Environmental cost account and control of manufactural enterprise II. 制造型企业环境成本的核算与控制2。
- Joanna Moorhead investigates the environmental cost of having a large family. 乔安娜·摩尔海德调查大家庭对环境造成的消耗。
- The effective measures to solute the conflict of environment problem are that we must consider the environmental cost in international trade and make more coordination in the world. 由于考虑环境因素后的贸易利得不同,解决和协调环境问题应通过环境成本内在化和加强国际合作。
- On the base of the overviews of pre-mining environmental evaluation, the author elucidates relations between the pre-evaluation of coal mining environment and prior environmental cost controlling. 最后,以开采沉陷对环境影响的评价为例,对开采沉陷对环境的影响、开采沉陷环境影响评价步骤与程序进行了概述,以及开采沉陷的分项评价。
- San Francisco's city authorities and the UK's Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs are questioning the environmental cost of bottling and transporting all that water. 美国旧金山市政当局与英国环境、食品和农村事务署正对将水装瓶和运输的环保成本提出质疑。
- The environmental cost of groundwater from excessive use of nitrogen fertilisers was 803Yuan/hm2, occupying about 42.4% of the total environment pollution costs. 滥施氮肥的地下水环境代价为803元/hm2;约占环境污染总成本的42.;4%25
- With the system, AIS gets data of environmental cost from EMIS and generates accounting receipts automatically. 首先对凭证处理系统作了阐述,通过此系统,AIS从EMIS中提取的环境成本数据,即可在该系统内自动生成记账凭证。
- The environmental resources have rareness,should consider the environmental cost in economic development. 环境资源具有稀缺性,经济发展应当考虑环境成本。
- Internalization of environmental costs of the proposed concepts, so that the harmonious development of trade and environment possible. 环境成本内在化理念的提出,使贸易与环境和谐发展成为可能。
- In light of the environmental cost, it is hoped that environmental activists can continue to gain support to save the wildlife from dying. 鑑于自然环境的价值,希望环保激进人士能够持续获得协助,解救濒临死亡的野生动物。
- An EMAS requires that environmental costs are identified and made explicit. 一个生态管理和审计要求,环境成本的确定和明确。
- The reference to the financial requirements of the organization is not intended to imply that organizations are obliged to use environmental cost accounting methodologies. 此处虽提到财务的考量,但并不是指组织一定要采用环保成本会计方法。
- In the Ricardo Model,the environmental cost is measured by additional labor input,and environmental technology and cost correct the traditional pattern of comparative advantage. 在李嘉图模型中,将环境成本用追加的劳动投入来衡量,发现环保技术及环境成本对比较优势格局的修正。
- Just as developing nations continue to gobble up coal, despite the high environmental cost, Western consumers seem to want whatever it takes to ensure enough fuel for their cars. 正如发展中国家不顾高昂的环境成本继续大量消耗煤炭,西方消费者似乎也愿意不惜一切代价获得足够的燃料开车。
- To large data center, server power comsumption is the main factor that limitative data center grows further, and need to expend many finance affairs and environmental cost. 对于大型数据中心,办事器功耗是限度数据中心进一步增添的主要身分,而且需花费大量的财政和情况本钱。
- On the basis of estimating the environmental cost of Yongcheng mining area in Henan Province,comprehensive value of economy-environment of a coal mine is appraised and analyzed. 在初步估算永城煤矿区的环境成本的基础上,对该矿区某矿井经济环境综合价值进行了评价和分析。
- High environmental costs can sometimes cancel out the benefits of economic growth and higher incomes. 高环境成本有时能抵消经济增长的收益和更高的收入。
- People blindly and greedily pursue materials but unconsciously pay potential environmental costs. 人类盲目贪婪地物质追逐,却不自觉忽略付出潜在环境成本,此代价往往无法计算。