- Environmental concerns could also prove nettlesome. 对环境的关心也被可能是恼人的。
- The New York Times environment section, features frequent coverage of Chinese environmental concerns. 纽约时报的环境专栏,特别关注中国环境问题。
- Environmental concerns are both intensely local and completely global. 环境问题不仅是非常地域性的,而且完全是全球性的问题。
- Most treatments entail high costs or residual environmental concerns. 大部份之处理法涉及高成本或残留之环保影响。
- The fate of polychlorinated biphenyls in the environment constituted one of today’s public environmental concerns in respect that they were recognized as one kind of persistent organic pollutants. 多氯联苯是一类毒性很强的持久性有机污染物,它们在环境中的转化和去除途径一直是人们所关注的热点问题。
- Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are of great environmental concern due to the exponential increase of the concentrations in the environment, especially in high trophic level organisms. 并将上述定性关系应用于目前的研究热点物质(多溴联苯类物质)的放大性预测。
- Petrini's way is gentler:love of"real food,"as opposed to fast food,is--he says--bound up with environmental concerns. 彼得里尼的做法较为温和:针对快餐,他提出热爱"正宗食物"。他说这是与关注环境问题紧密相连的。
- For environmental concerns of a different nature, you can spend the day outside the city. 要从另一角度观看四周的环境,你可花一天接触大自然。
- China's environmental concerns at home have driven Beijing's quest for resources overseas. 中国对国内环境的关注迫使其不得不向海外寻求资源。
- For environmental concerns, a proper design of the brine outfall is essential to enable the end discharge mix rapidly with the ambient coastal waters. 出于环境保护考虑,保证海水淡化后产生的高盐度尾液能够迅速与受纳海水掺混的排放口设计显得尤为重要。
- Wastefulness does not just affect a company's bottom line, it creates environmental concerns, the report says. 报告还表明浪费不仅影响到公司的基本运营,还会带来环境方面的问题。
- And environmental concerns have sparked a growing demand for devices that read energy usage, or misusage. 这个主意是一个环保主义者想到的,监视记录设备对能源的使用或滥用情况。
- Safety and environmental concerns have enabled FEIN's success as a producer of world class products. 除了严格控制质量外,“泛音”公司还在其进步的构想中提出了对经济性、安全性和环境保护方面的要求。
- It fulfills the needs for a dignified traditional looking coffin as well as the increased environmental concerns. 它同时有着如传统木棺肃穆的外表,也同时满足了日益增加的环保需求。
- However, where environmental concerns are relevant to a particular topic, due recognition is given to environmental protection. 但是,当环境问题与某一问题有关时,会对环境保护给予适当的注意。
- But Gilles Goldenberg, author of the Deloitte study, cautioned that environmental concerns are not the overriding consideration when buying used goods. 但德勤调查的负责人吉勒-戈登伯格提醒说,环保并不是人们选择二手礼品时首要的考虑因素。
- But some of the party's middle-class voters regard the Euro-elections as a chance to express their environmental concerns by backing the Green Party. 但是一些该党的中产阶级选民觉得欧洲选举是一个机会,他们可以通过支持绿党来表达他们对环境问题的关注。
- Environmental concerns and cost reduction have been the focus of pretreatment and extended delignification in Kraft pulping for some time now. 建筑物是由材料透过劳动技术,经由有意图的加工所建构完成的一种实体,是为提供人类生活场所,而具有居住意识的构造物。
- The shrink sleeves meet packagers’ supply chain and environmental concerns for material availability, cost and biodegradability. 收缩包装袖子满足供应链和环境问题的材料供应,成本和生物降解性。
- The beverage maker has reflected environmental concerns by reducing the amount of polyethylene terephthalate by 5% for its new bottles. 饮料制造商反映环境问题,减少的数额聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯5 %25 ,其新的包装瓶。