- Environmental Acceptance Testing 环境验收试验
- environmental acceptance test 环境验证试验
- This environment is where the final install and user acceptance test takes place. 最后安装和用户接受度测试在该环境中进行。
- Final Acceptance Test of equipment and structures at supplier sites. 在供应商场地对产品进行验收。
- This standard does not specify a charge acceptance test at constant voltage. 本标准未规定恒压充电接受能力试验。
- The acceptance test is the last test prior to the deployment of software. 验收测试是在软件部署之前的最后的测试。
- Results of measurement during installation and acceptance test are also given. 另外还列出了该起重机安装验收时测得的一些技术数据。
- Performance Acceptance Test for Unit No.2 of Bainian Power Development Co. 百年电力公司2号机组性能考核试验
- It is also valuable for its stability monitoring and acceptance test. 这一测试过程和方法对机组的稳定性监测和机组的验收具有重要意义。
- Built the first city national domain ISO14000 National Demonstration Zone, Hebei Province has become the first National Environmental Protection Model City by creating acceptance test city. 建成了全国第一家全市域的ISO14000国家示范区,成为河北省第一家通过创建国家环保模范城市考核验收的城市。
- So spacecraft test matrix consisting of development test, qualification test,acceptance test for unit,subsystem and system,as well as prelaunch validation and operational test can be called spacecraft environment reliability test matrix. 从这个意义上讲,称航天器的研制试验、鉴定试验、验收试验、发射前的合格认证和运行试验的试验项目和要求与各类组件级设备、各分系统、系统级组成的试验矩阵为航天器环境可靠性试验矩阵。
- Ball screws. Part 3: acceptance conditions and acceptance tests. 球端螺钉。第3部分:合格条件和合格试验。
- Acceptance testing equipment for production of liquid propellant. 生产液体推进剂用的验收试验设备。
- Acceptance tests are run often and the score is published. 经常运行接受测试并且公布其结果。
- Hydraulic fluid power - Cylinders - Acceptance tests. 液力传动。液压缸。验收试验。
- If you re a diehard XP user, those should be your acceptance tests. 如果您是顽固的XP用户,这些应当是您的验收测试。
- The cubic spinel LiMn_2O_4, due to its low cost and high environmental acceptability, has grasped more attention. 而立方尖晶石结构的LiMn_2O_4材料由于具有价格低廉、无毒的优点而倍受关注。
- This paper presents the turbine model acceptance test and the test results of Feilaixia hydropower station. 简要介绍了飞来峡水电站水轮机的模型验收试验的情况及结果。
- Acceptance tests typically test the entire system, or some large chunk of it. 验收测试通常测试整个系统,或系统中一些大的模块。
- In addition, the IEC shall be responsible for verifying the environmental acceptability of permanent and temporary works, relevant design plans and submissions under this Permit. 此外,独立环境查核人须核实永久及临时工程在环境上的可接受程度、相关的设计图则和本许可证所要求提交的文件。