- T.J Hu, H.W. Wang, H.Y. Lee, 2005, Environmental and Ecological Measures of River Corridor on Nan-Shih Stream in Taiwan, XXXI IAHR Congress, Seoul, Korea. 胡通哲、王筱雯、李鸿源、施上粟、蔡慧萍,南势溪河川廊道栖地改善复育之研究,国际生态工程及水利技术研讨会,台北,2005。
- The policy goal of Taiwan's forestry development has been reformed from depletive utilization to environmental and ecological conservation. 我国林业部门之发展已由早期林业生产为主之木材资源的利用,转为目前重视林业部门所带来的自然生态保育及提供休閒服务功能。
- James Cook University (JCU) is a dynamic university which has firmly established itself as a world leader in environmental and ecological research. 詹姆斯库克大学是一所有活力的大学,其环境与生态研究在世界一直稳固地处于领先地位。
- To highlighting the principle of achieving harmony between man and the nature so as to improve the environmental and ecological awareness of the public. 强调人与自然和谐的宗旨,使全民生态文明素养得到全面提升。
- If special attention were not paid to these thresholds, the immoderate expansion of the oasis would take place, thus giving rise to many environmental and ecological issues. 在绿洲经济发展过程中,无视这些阈限的制约,就会出现绿洲规模扩张的无度化,并产生一系列环境、生态问题,导致绿洲人地关系的极度失调。
- A mechanism for ecological compensation We will promptly create a mechanism for ecological compensation, strengthen law enforcement, and improve monitoring of environmental and ecological protection. 我们将立即建立生态补偿机制,加强执法检查来监控环境和生态保护。
- Overexploitation of water resources has given rise to a series of environmental and ecological problems, including desiccation of rivers and lakes and decline in groundwater supply. 同时,由于水资源开发过度,出现了河湖干涸、地下水衰竭等一系列的环境和生态问题。
- A brief introduction of environmental and ecological characteristics of hyperaccumulators of rare earth elements(REEs),as well as the scientific significance of REE hyperaccumulators were presented. 概述了稀土元素的环境生态学特性及其超积累植物,并对稀土元素超积累植物研究的重要科学意义进行了介绍。
- High effective utilization and development of wood charcoal has positive effects on solving environmental and ecological problems as well as the problem of residuals recover as resource. 木质炭化物的高效开发利用,对解决废弃物资源化、环保、生态环境等问题将起到十分积极的作用。
- Environmental and ecological systems engineering 环境生态系统工程
- Environmental and ecological water requirements 生态环境需水量
- environmental and ecological economics 环境与生态经济
- environmental and ecological effect 环境生态效应
- Pursuit of economical and ecological balance. 经济和生态平衡追求。
- environmental and ecological problems 环境生态问题
- Ecological sightseeing and ecological vacationing. 那是当然的了。生态观光、生态休闲等等。
- environmental and ecological water demand 环境和生态需水
- Programming of Rural Landscape and Ecological Construction. 农村景观规划与生态建设。
- Economic Growth and Ecological System: Balance or Both Winning? 经济发展与生态维护:权衡抑或双赢?
- Solid Wood Construction Kennel, environmental and comfortable. 实木结构宠物屋,环保舒适。