- He only put a bit on his plate to make fashion. 他只是拨了一点食物到盘子里做做样子。
- The number shall be cut in on a plate. 号码将雕刻在一块金属板上。
- I hid the broken plate behind the table. 我把打碎的盘子藏在餐桌后面了。
- That boat is done with the steel plate. 那艘船是用钢板做的。
- This glass plate is very fragile. 这个玻璃盘子很容易碎。
- He's eaten a whole plate of french fries. 他把一盘油炸土豆条全吃完了。
- The hot plate may spoil the varnish on the table. 这只热盘子会损坏桌面的光泽。
- Her wealth and reputation gave her (an) entree into upper-class circles. 她的财富和声望使她得以进入上层社会。
- They emptied the biscuits onto the plate. 他们把饼干倒在盘子里。
- Entre nous, I like her very much. 这话别对外人讲,我很喜欢她。
- He put the apples on a round plate. 他把苹果放在一个圆盘子里。
- This basin is only plate so it's not very valuable. 这个盆子是镀金金属的,所以不太值钱。
- What would you like for your entree? 你的主菜要什么?
- Entre nous, I like Helen vastly. 这话就你我之间私下说说,我非常喜欢海伦。
- She has rubbed up the silver plate. 她把银盘子擦亮了。
- Andre had been very proud of that entree. 安德烈曾经为正餐前那道开胃菜颇感自豪。
- Skip the ham steak. I'll have a lobster plate, too. 火腿排就算了。我也要一盘龙虾。
- For Clarissa, the entree is just the beginning. 对克拉丽莎来说,主菜只是个开头。
- Don't order the most expensive entree on the menu. 不要为了最昂贵的主菜菜单上。
- Entre nous, I protest I like her vastly. 不要跟别人说,我郑重声明我是十分喜欢她的。