- She enjoyed high prestige among the masses. 她在群众中享有很高威信。
- His action aroused strong feelings among the masses. 他的行动在群众中引起了强烈的反感。
- He has high prestige among the masses. 他在群众中威信很高。
- Leaders should go among the masses. 领导要深入群众。
- This aroused great enthusiasm [excitement] among the masses. 这激起群众的极大热情[使群众非常激动]。
- Immerse oneself among the masses. 深入群众中。
- enthusiasm among the masses 群众的积极性
- Our fighters are required to be good fighters, producers and workers among the masses. 要求我们的战士既是优秀的战斗员、生产者,又是群众工作人员。
- By his speech, he whipped up tremendous enthusiasm among the audience. 他用演说激发了听众的极大热情。
- Immediately lift the ban on patriotic movements among the masses and let the people give full play to their enthusiasm for armed resistance. 并立即开放全国民众的爱国运动,发扬抗战的民气。
- We must take pains to do meticulous work among the masses. 我们必须下功夫在群众中做细致的工作。
- The activists were picked out from among the masses. 积极分子从群众中选拔出来。
- Then we sent our armed work teams to operate among the masses. 然后我们派遣武工队到群众中去进行活动。
- We should constantly arouse the enthusiasm of cultural worker and take full advantage of their initiative and creativity, so as to promote the cultural movement among the troops and the masses. 要经常鼓励文化工作者的工作热忱,大大发挥他们的积极性和创造性,使文化运动普及到连队中去,深入到群众中去,真正做到大众化。
- We held a forum and advised them to go among the masses. 我们开了一次会,劝大家到群众里面去。
- Innumerable activists have come to the fore from among the masses. 群众中涌现出无数积极分子。
- This demonstration was a symptom of discontent among the masses. 这次示威表明民众中有不满情绪。
- I reckoned without the enthusiasm of the masses. 我忽视了群众的积极性。
- Government attempts to suppress dissatisfaction among the masses. 政府试图压制群众(平民百姓)不满情绪的做法。
- Although this served temporarily to arouse the enthusiasm of the masses,it did not help solve much of their problem; what is more,landlords and rich peasants also made use of the distribution of property to stir up a lot of disputes among the masses. 这种办法虽然也起到一时刺激群众热情的作用,但不能解决群众多大问题,而且地富还利用了分散财产制造群众之间许多纠纷。