- Path Selection of OEM Enterprises'Sustainable Growth in Pearl River Delta--in View of the Outsourcing System of Global Value Chain 珠三角OEM企业持续成长的路径选择--基于全球价值链外包体系的视角
- enterprises sustainable growth 企业持续成长
- enterprises' sustainable growth 企业持续成长
- China must learn to innovate if it is to sustain growth. 中国必须通过学会自主创新来保持经济持续增长。
- There are two pre-conditions for achieving a sustainable growth in employment. 要想实现就业率稳步增长,需要两个先决条件。
- Sustainable Growth Rate, by design, limits spending on payments to physicians. 可持续的增长速度,由设计,限制消费支付医生。
- We are advised to boost domestic demand amid global crisis to sustain growth. 我们得到的建议是,要在全球危机的背景下保增长,需要扩大内需。
- The Enterprise Sustained Growth Rate and Its Application in Financial Planning 企业持续增长率及其在财务规划中的应用
- The analysis of the components of IT resource and capability is based on the resource-based view,and also the causation of the enterprises' sustainable competitive advantage. 本文从资源基础角度分析企业IT资源以及相应的IT能力的构成,分析信息技术可以成为企业竞争优势来源的动因。
- The results of the Group demonstrate the effectiveness of a balanced and sustainable growth strategy. 结果证明崔集团的发展战略起到了有力的平衡和支撑作用。
- The guiding principle for Witon's value and management system is to be a healthy enterprise with sustainable growth. 做一个可持续发展的健康型企业是会通公司重要的目标之一,这一目标决定了会通公司的价值观和经营管理的准则。
- All this requires a strong economy and sustained growth. 所有这些都需要强有力和持续增长的经济来支撑。
- Mr President, I am confident that under your leadership, the Bank will help Asia return to stable and sustainable growth and to enjoy prosperity. 总裁先生,我相信在您的带领下,亚银将能协助亚洲经济回复稳定与持续增长。
- In order to make the family enterprises' sustain management come true, we put forward the following countermeasures and advice on the bases of analyzing the causes and trends of the variance. 近年来,随着社会的发展,与家族企业联系紧密的家庭结构及功能的变迁对家族企业的经营管理造成了正负两方面的影响。
- We need and want China to succeed. We need and want China to maintain political stability and to continue stable and sustainable growth. 我们需要也希望中国的经济发展取得成功;我们需要也希望中国维持政治稳定,并继续保持经济的稳定和持续增长。
- Finally several representative iron-steel enterprises" experiences are offered to make Ihe meaning, content and model of iron-steel enterprise sustainable develop nent clearer. 文章最后通过我国代表性钢铁企业的实践,佐证了钢铁工业可持续发展的意义、内涵以及途径。
- Our pursuit: Continuous Improvement in Quality; Consistent Reduction in Cost; Sustainable Growth in Profit: Endless Progress in Corporate Development. 我们的追求:质量,提高再提高;成本,降低再降低;利润,增长再增长;企业,发展再发展。
- The new payment scale, called Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR), uses the overall state of the United States economy to figure the doctors payments. 新的付款规模,所谓的可持续增长率(通信SGR),使用的整体状况,美国经济数字的医生付款。
- Play an important role on chefmanship culture build up. Main responsible of deliver sales team CQ level sustainable growth. 能对厨师影响力推广扮演重要的角色,对厨商递增担负主要责任。
- In partnership with government force and nongovernmental efforts, APHA continues to enhance the sustainable growth, enhancement of value and quality. APHA将集合各地政府及民间的力量,不断推动亚太区饭店业的可持续增长、价值和品质的提升。