- Business enterprise procures and annex, business enterprise finance adviser, stock certificate investment, risk investment. 经营主业Business Scope: 企业收购与兼并、企业财务顾问、证券投资、风险投资。
- The article take the enterprise finance risk as the object of study, uses standard research technique which induces and deducts, research enterprise finance risk guard question. 文章以企业财务风险为研究对象,采用归纳与演绎的规范研究方法,研究企业财务风险的防范问题。
- This text using the Du Pont System of Financial Analysis and the Wall Marking Way to analyze the business enterprise finance synthesize the financial standing. 新的经济环境下,如何对企业经营绩效进行评价是一个值得讨论的课题。
- General Rules on Enterprise Finance 企业财务通则
- The third one discusses the necessity and feasibility of tax planning applied in enterprise financing. 第三章详细论述了企业融资中进行税收筹划的必要性、可行性;
- And on the basis of analyzing existing problems of stock financing,the innovation way of enterprise financing such as money-captial finance and incorporeal capital finance etc was proposed. 在分析股权融资存在问题的基础上,提出了企业融资方式的创新,如货币资本融资、无形资本融资,等等。
- So the research about Small & Medium Enterprise financing is crucial signification to accelerate the development of China"s economic and society. 目前一些学者提出了许多解决我国中小企业融资难的途径。
- First is the credit policy, Chinese Enterprise's financing is unitary, many enterprise financing are depend upon the bank the short-term to lend money. 第一个是信贷政策,中国企业的融资非常单一,很多企业融资是依靠银行的短期借贷。
- Not only this kind of action raised the examination efficiency, reduced the vetting period and the examination link, can solve the enterprise financing difficult problem promptly. 这种举措不但提高了审批效率,减少了审批时间和审批环节,更能及时解决企业融资难题。
- Factoring: the new train of thought of enterprise finance 保理业务:企业融资的新思路
- Scale Constraints of Private Enterprise Finance and the Way Out 民营企业融资的规模障碍与解决途径
- We should broaden the channels for investment from society and for enterprise financing and direct investment funds from society to industries and development projects encouraged by the state. 拓宽社会投资和企业融资渠道,引导社会资金投入国家鼓励的产业和建设项目。
- He embarked on a new enterprise. 他着手创办新企业。
- small and medium - sized enterprises finance 中小企业融资
- A: It’s really a coagent in enterprise’s finance. A: 它真是企业财务的好帮手。
- It's really a coagent in enterprise's finance. 它真是企业财务的好帮手。
- However,The ono-government enterprises' financing has become a obstruction that impeding its economic development. 但是,非公有制企业融资问题却成为阻碍青海省非公有制经济发展的“瓶颈”。
- Beware of all enterprise that require new clothes. 凡是要求有新衣服的计划,都得加以提防。
- He works in a private enterprise. 他在一家私人企业工作。
- Plan is killing free enterprise. 规划扼杀自由经营。