- How can I enlighten your wooden head? 我怎么才能让你这木头疙瘩开窍呢?
- The legislation was made retrospective. 该项法规具有追溯效力。
- Legislation will be difficult and take time. 立法将是困难而又费时的。
- Legislation is not in the President's power. 立法不是总统的权力。
- Can you enlighten me on this issue? 你能否在这个问题上指点我一番?
- Can you enlighten me on this subject? 关于这个问题,你能指点我一下吗?
- Legislation is the duty of a congress. 立法是国会的职责。
- The bill seek to repeal the existing legislation. 该议案企图废除现存的有关立法。
- The conservationists will not take kindly to the legislation. 自然资源保护论者对这项立法不会做出善意的反应。
- enlightened legislation 开明立法
- We protect the interests of investors by the legislation in effect. 我们根据现行法律保护投资者的利益。
- He enlightened me on the question. 他就该问题指点我。
- It is impossible to quantify the effect of the new legislation on our turnover. 以数字表示新立法对我们的营业额的影响是不可能的。
- She was anxious to enlighten me about the events that led up to the dispute. 她急着要使我明白引起这场争执的那些事情。
- The implications of the new legislation will need to be looked at. 新法规的含义需研究一下。
- It is too early to assess the effects of the new legislation. 现在来评价新法规的效果为时尚早。
- He enlightened me on this subject. 他就这个题目指点我。
- There has been much gnashing of teeth over the new legislation. 不少人对新法规感到愤愤不平。
- The senator's opposition to the new legislation is on record. 参议员在新立法体系中的位置已记录在案
- People claiming to be unusually enlightened with regard to a subject. 先知先觉的人们自称在某个领域受过特别启示的人