- enjoyable literati 古代哲学观
- We assured our clients of an enjoyable holiday. 我们使游客确信准能过一个愉快的假期。
- Educated people considered as a group; the literati. 文人,学者被作为一个群体看待的受过教育的人; 文人
- Last night was the most enjoyable time I've had in a month of Sundays. 昨天晚上是我很长一段时间以来玩得最愉快的夜晚。
- This weekend is certain to be enjoyable. 这个周末一定很有意思。
- The literati had no understanding of livestock. 文人学士对牲畜没有了解,
- Did you find tat picnic enjoyable? 你喜欢那个野餐?
- His latest film is an enjoyable romp. 他最近的电影是一部轻快的冒险故事片。
- I find fishing more enjoyable than hunting. 我觉得钓鱼比打猎更令人愉快。
- But I think it most enjoyable to watch. 但我却认为看拳击很有意思。
- We had a most enjoyable journey. 我们有一次最愉快的旅行。
- Technicolor, simple design, relaxed and enjoyable. 鲜明的色彩,简单的设计,轻松写意。
- Cruises on Lake Geneva is also enjoyable. 泛舟日内瓦湖上同样令人愉快。
- The climate of Kunming is enjoyable all year round. 昆明的气候一年四季都令人愉快。
- A Historical Survey of the Literati Painting: Li Jia or Hang Jia? 文人画:戾家抑或行家?
- Do not you find skating very enjoyable? 你不觉得溜冰十分令人愉快吗?
- This development serves as an opportunity for the literati here. 这个发展是这儿的文坛的机遇。
- I do not think that movie is very enjoyable. 我看那部电影并不怎么有趣。
- This is, of course, and literati paintings unique Jiqing function. 这固然和文人画特有的寄情功能有关。
- I do not find swimming particularly enjoyable. 我不觉得游泳特别使人愉快。