- enhancer core element 增强子核心序列, 增强子核心元件
- Education is a core element of the Olympic principles. 教育是奥林匹克主义的核心内容。
- We've talked about a core element of it in talking about the RMA. 我们在谈论有关军事革命问题时,已经谈到厂“准备”的一个核心因素。
- Financial Relationship is the core element in intergovernmental relationship. 摘要财政关系是政府间关系的核心。
- School cultural spirit is the core element which constitutes the systematic structure of school cultural ecology. 摘要学校文化精神是学校文化生态系统结构的核心构成要素。
- The core element of multifunction lining lies in the blackbody, with emission rate 0.96. 多功能炉衬组成的核心是工业标准黑体;其发射率为0.;96。
- From anthropology of tourism, authenticity is the core element of study on folk cultural tourism products. 从旅游人类学的角度看,真实性问题是民族文化旅游产品研究的核心内容。
- The Delegation said that the issue of norm-setting within WIPO was a core element of its proposal for a development agenda. 该代表团说,WIPO内部制定准则的问题是其有关发展议程的提案的核心内容。
- As a core element of Chinese classic aesthetics,the principle of classic poetics is an important and charming spirit culture of Chinese nation. 古典诗学原则作为中国古典美学的核心成分,是中华民族重要而又富有魅力的精神文化。
- The law is the core element of Roman civilization, and Roman legal concepts, legal rational spirit are the soul of Roman culture. 摘要法律是罗马文明的核心要素,罗马法律理念、法律理性精神是罗马文化的灵魂。
- Team spirit and co-operation among the members is the core element of TW.If change to self challenge or run-alone, then this is not a real TW anymore. 今届我看到很多队分散行事,欠缺了整队共同进退的精神,讲真,如果如此不顾团队精神,倒不如去参加个人越野马拉松更好。
- In the excerpts released by ABC, the president named some of the core elements. 在ABC公布的采访内容节选中,奥巴马提到了一些医疗保健法案的核心内容。
- The new diesel engine is positioned, alongside its electric vehicle technology, as a core element in the "Mitsubishi Motors Environment Initiative Program 2010" ("EIP 2010"). 与电动车技术并行的新柴油机是三菱电机2010改善环境计划("EIP 2010")的核心部分。
- Sliding transformer is a core element in contact-less inductive power transfer system of automatic dock,which can realize safe power supply for highspeed freight dollies. 滑动变压器是自动化码头非接触感应电能传输系统的核心部件,可以实现高速货物运输小车的安全供电。
- That's so- call flavor enhancer. 那是一种所谓的加味剂。
- The core elements of a Web-hosting center include the server hardware, operating system and Web-server application. 网站托管中心的核心内容包括服务器硬件、操作系统和网站服务器应用程序。
- The core elements of a Web-hosting center include the server hardware,operating system and Web-server application. 网站托管中心的核心内容包括服务器硬件、操作系统和网站服务器应用程序。
- Most-favored-nation treatment clause, as a core element in international investment agreements, has become an important means of economic liberalization in international investment. 最惠国待遇条款作为国际投资协定的一个核心要素,已经成为国际投资领域经济自由化的一个重要手段。
- Life and death, attack and freedom, emotion and will power are core elements of unreason. 生和死、攻击和自由、情感和意志是非理性的核心要素。
- The hard core in the party make all the decisions. 这个党的核心成员决定一切。