- He's been tinkering with that engine for hours, but it still will not go. 他花了几个小时摆弄那个引擎,想修好它,但它还是不转。
- Strong cross breeze make it difficult for boat to leave harbour. 逆风很强刮得船难以离港。
- Could you run the engine for a moment? 你让发动机转一会儿好吗?
- He's been tinkering with that engine for hours, but it still won't go. 他花了几个小时摆弄那个引擎,想修好它,但它还是不转。
- We need a spare engine for this sled. 我们需要为这个雪橇准备一个备用发动机。
- He fiddled around with the engine for hours . 他胡乱摆弄那台发动机达数小时之久。
- He fiddled around with the engine for hours. 他胡乱摆弄那台发动机达数小时之久。
- It is even surprising to sail boat for boat with them in pure boat speed. 甚至有点不可思议,在船上和他们纯粹比速度我们毫不逊色。
- Smarty is a template engine for PHP. ) >Smarty是一个php模板引擎。
- engine for boat 船舶引擎
- We will make do with that engine for the time being. 我们暂时用那个引擎代替。
- So they go and buy tickets for boating. 因此他们去买划船的票。
- The pilot of the airplane gunned his engine for a sharp climb. 飞机驾驶员为使飞机急剧上升而加大发动机的油门。
- DIPcre is an advanced regular expression engine for Boland Delphi. 让 Borland Delphi 支持正则表达式的控件。
- It is with StandardAero company exemple, before the client dismantles engine next come sending to maintain, the company has needed to lay in devoted capital for boat material. 以StandardAero公司为例,在顾客将发动机拆下送来维修之前,公司已经需要为航材储备投入资金。
- Provides runtime scripting engine for automating your programs. 脚本引擎提供了运行时的自动化程序。
- I suggest we ask the engineer for help first. 我建议首先找工程师来帮一下忙。
- Submit your URL to search engines for crawling. 提交你的网址搜索引擎爬行.
- Reliability engineering for system II. 系统可靠性工程2。
- Strong cross breezes make it difficult for boats to leave harbour. 逆风很强刮得船难以离港.