- The Notification Services engine does not run any subscriber management components, so there is no Disable Pending status. Notification Services引擎不会运行任何订阅方管理组件,因此不存在“禁用挂起”状态。
- The Notification Services engine does not run any subscriber management components, so there is no Enable Pending status. Notification Services引擎不会运行任何订阅方管理组件,因此不存在“启用挂起”状态。
- Do not run the engine in maximum power during this period. 在这节骨眼上千万不要让引擎在全速下运转。
- I'd rather you do not run the risk of being punish. 我宁愿你不冒受罚之险。
- Go and get some more oil so we do not run short . 去多弄些油来以免我们到时候用光了。
- You will see to it that the engine does not get out of order. 留心别让发动机出毛病。
- Does not run garbage collection concurrently. 不同时运行垃圾回收。
- Does not run server garbage collection. 不要运行服务器垃圾回收。
- The rich edit control does not run HTML scripts. Rich Edit控件不运行HTML脚本。
- Do not run or climb the shelves. 不要奔跑或爬上书架。
- Please do not run in the compartments. 为了您的安全,请勿在车厢内奔跑。
- The speech recognition engine does not support the correct grammar format. 语音识别引擎不支持正确的语法格式。
- Do not run or play on the escalator. 切勿在扶手电梯上乱跑及嬉戏。
- Your new car is a "lemon" and does not run properly. 你买的一辆新车是“蹩脚货”连跑都跑得不象个样子。
- The engine did not stop because the fuel was finished. 发动机不是因为燃料用完而停下来的。
- Do not run across the road until you are sure it is safe . 在确定是否安全之后才跑过街。
- Do not run the photocopier for more than four hours at a time. 每次使用影印机不得超过4小时。
- Dictation is not available because the speech engine does not support your current keyboard language. 听写无效,因为语音引擎不支持当前的键盘语言。
- This Program does not run on machines with active system debugger! 这个程式没有执行机器以活动的系统除错!
- The data binding engine does not catch exceptions that are thrown by a user-supplied converter. 数据绑定引擎不捕获由用户提供的转换器所引发的异常。