- The results of many tests show that energy dissipation braces based on friction can dissipate a great deal input energy of earthquake and its aseismic behaviors are very good. 试验及理论分析表明,采用安装摩擦阻尼器的耗能支撑来保护结构,可耗散大量地震能量,减震效果好。
- This is only one instance out of many. 这不过是许多例子中的一个。
- Einstein was the first to show in theory how the energy of the atom might be released. 爱因斯坦是第一位从理论上说明原子能量是如何释放的。
- The 1960s saw the emergence of many new nations. 二十世纪六十年代出现了许多新兴国家。
- Inflation is the bogy of many governments. 通货膨胀是许多政府害怕的事情。
- Americans are the fusion of many different races. 美国人是各种种族人的熔合体。
- Besides, PKI is a very important infrastructure, which is the base of many electronic applications. 另外,公开金钥基础建设是个非常重要的架构,它是许多网路应用的重要基础。
- A car is made up of many different parts. 汽车是由许多不同的零件组成的。
- Greed is the parent of many evils. 贪婪是万恶之根源。
- The Furies sweep down upon these hapless beings and devour them, before scattering in fear at the approach of more powerful Daemons seeking the energy of the soul swarms. 原意是说这些灵魂会被那些超强恶魔“吓”的魂飞魄散,中文太差2句连起来找不到合适的方法表达啊。残念。。
- We heard the trample of many feet. 我们听到许多人的沉重脚步声。
- The solar cell can convert the energy of sunlight into electric energy. 太阳能电池能把阳光的能量转化为电能。
- The petals of many flowers expand in the sunshine. 许多花的花瓣在阳光中绽放。
- By using elementary mathematics, a derivation of elliptic orbit and energy of electron in Hydrogen atom is given. 利用椭圆的几何性质确定类氢原子的轨道,并计算其能级.
- The king was infamous for his guilt of many infamies. 那个国王因罪恶多端而臭名昭著。
- Observables can be either continuous (e.g., the position of a particle) or discrete (e.g., the energy of an electron bound to a hydrogen atom). 可见可以要么是连续的(也即一个粒子的位置)或离散(也即电子的能量受氢原子束缚)。
- How many electrons has a magnesium atom in its outer layer? 镁原子的最外层有多少个电子?
- The energy of motion is called kinetic energy. 运动的能量称为动能。
- A flavoring simulating the flavor of many fruits. 什锦果味含有多种水果味的味道
- Ionizing an atom of hydrogen takes an energy of 13.6 electron volts, an amount delivered by a photon of ultraviolet light. 游离氢原子需要13.;6电子伏特,相当于一个紫外光光子所能提供的能量。