- energy loss control 控制损耗
- Each interaction produces an energy loss and deflection. 每次相互作用都引起粒子能量损失和方向偏转。
- The reduce of energy loss and the starting quality of asynchronous electromotor is an important matter in the modern industry control. 异步电动机的起动及降低损耗在现代工业控制中是一个非常重要的问题。
- Imported thermostable fabrics to minimize thermal energy loss. 进口耐高温织维隔热布大大减少热能损耗。
- By lagging the hot water tank and pipes you can reduce energy loss. 通过给热水箱和管道包上保温材料,可以减少能量损失。
- The process of reflection does not in itself involve any energy loss. 反射过程本身不存在任何能量损耗。
- The energy losses are due to turbulence. 能量损失起因于紊流。
- In most instances, profit and loss control is not applied to central staff and service departments. 在大多数实例中,盈亏控制不适用于中央机构及服务部门。
- It is interesting to inquire into the exact mechanism of this energy loss. 确切地查明这一能量损失的作用过程还是有意义的。
- Bird,F.E. and Germain,G.L. 1986,Practical Loss Control Leadership,Det Norske Veritas Inc. 简逞莹,2002,我国劳工安全卫生人员对推动安全卫生管理成效之调查研究,硕士论文,中国文化大学,台北。
- At the same time broaden the spectrum as result of energy loss fluctuations. 与此同时,电子谱由于能量损失的涨落而展宽。
- Near the location of the hammer blow, this energy loss is negligible. 在靠近榔头的撞击点,此处能量的损失是可以忽略的;
- The minimum loss DTC method determined the flux reference according to the current deduced under the minimum loss control. 该控制方法根据推导出最小损耗控制下的电流来实时确定电机的给定磁链。
- For any significant loss exposure, neither loss control nor loss financing alone is enough; control and financing must be combined in the right proportion. 对任何重大之风险仅以控制对策或理财对策处理是不够的,必需将此两类对策做适当比例正确之搭配始可。
- The energy loss, combined with angular-momentum redistribution, causes a dense ring system to flatten. 由于能量散失再加上角动量重新分布,稠密的行星环系统就变得更为扁平。
- Corn straw cover is to use crop straw to cover the earth surface, which is a dry farming measure to solve soil, fertilization and water and soil loss control. 摘要玉米秸秆覆盖是利用作物秸秆覆盖地表,解决保土、培肥和控制水土流失的一项旱作农业耕作措施。
- In the slurry formulation, the salt resisting fluid loss control agent of JSS was main material and the dispersants and the antifoamers were also necessary. 该体系以抗盐降失水剂JSS为主体,并添加有配套的分散剂及消泡剂。
- The experimental results were indicated that salt-tolerance and thermal stability were improved, therefore, it can be used as a water loss control additive in oilwell cement. 实验证明:磺甲基化聚丙烯酰胺的抗盐性和水溶性均得到改善,可用作油井水泥降失水剂。
- Through analysis the energy loss of ZnO varistor, the evaluation of aging degree of ZnO v... 提出了一种利用单次流通能量来分析氧化锌压敏电阻老化程度的方法。
- The flow capacity is strengthened and energy loss is reduced near suction corner for bowed blade with high solidity. 大稠度下弯叶片明显提高了叶栅吸力面角区的通流能力及减小了端区的能量损失。