- Theorizing the Economic Transformation B. 推论经济转型。
- This machine is a ~ of energy economization. 这台机器是节约能源的样板。
- A great economic transformation is in the making. 一场巨大的经济变革正在酝酿之中。
- Kevin N.Rask. Clean air and renewable fuels: the market for fuel ethanol in the USA from 1984 to 1993[J]. Energy Economic,1998,(20): 325-345. 国家经贸委;国家计委;国家质量监督检验检疫总局;国家环保局.;车用乙醇汽油使用试点方案[N]
- This cash will either fortify the incumbent players and calcify the energy status quo, or it will facilitate the economic transformation we seek. ”这笔钱或者将帮助那些初生期的企业,去巩固现有的能量,或者就会促进我们孜孜以求的经济转型。
- The ailment is one unhappy consequence of the region's economic transformation. 在湾区的经济转型中,病痛是个令人不快的结果。
- Such a charge, whether a tax or a system of tradable permits to pollute, would change energy economics radically. 这种花费,无论是以税收的形式还是购买污染许可证的形式收取,都将彻底改变能源经济学。
- It uses environment-friendly materials, energy economical equipment and reproducible resources so as to preserve the ecological environment. 它采用节能和可再生资源,保护自然生态环境,文化、展览等设施俱全。
- The third article views economic transformations and universal education as the causes motivating social mobility. 社会流动则因经济转型和教育的普及,而产生大量的中产阶级。
- Such a charge, whether a tax or asystem of tradable permits to pollute, would change energy economics radically. 这笔费用,无论是税费还是一种可交易的污染许可系统,将会从根本上改变能源经济。
- But the breadth of the economic transformation can't be measured by numbers alone. 但不能只靠数字来衡量经济变化的程度。
- This essay analyzes the solution on the technology,exploitation of new resource,energy economization and economy. 文中浅析了解决这一问题在技术、开发新能源、节能和经济上的对策。
- How to solve the problem of employment during economic transformation period , is a very worthwhile thought. 如何解决经济体制转型时期就业问题,是一个很值得思考的问题。
- It uses environment-friendly materials,energy economical equipment and reproducible resources so as to preserve the ecological environment. 它采用节能和可再生资源,保护自然生态环境,文化、展览等设施俱全。
- A comparative analysis of the experience of the two patterns of economic transformation is of significance for accur... 比较分析两者的经验教训,对正确认识中国的经济转型,稳步推进经济改革具有重要的意义。
- Currently, the development of country economy is confronted with two greatness challenges, energy economization and environmental protection. 当前我国国民经济面临节约能源和环境保护两大挑战,充分合理地利用能源是可持续发展的关键。
- Based on the economic transformation in China, the inside control in state-owned corporations have something specialness. 由于转轨过程中国有企业的特殊性,国有企业的内部人控制有着自己的特点。
- The energy crisis stunted world economic growth. 能源危机危及世界经济的发展。
- In the course of China"s economic transformation and development, interest rates have played an important role in our macro-control levers. 在我国经济转轨和经济建设的过程中,利率杠杆已在我国宏观调控中发挥重要作用和影响。
- Equipments of this type would make outstanding contributions to envioronmental purification and energy economization in the fields of controlling any kinds organic waste gases. 以低能耗为突出优点的本型设备,将在各种有机废气治理领域内为净化环境和节能作出卓越的贡献。