- Evolving History of Oversea Energy Intensity per GDP and its Revelation 国外单位GDP能耗演变历史及启示
- energy intensity per GDP 单位GDP能耗
- By the year 2008, the energy saving rate per unit GDP will reach 6% over, while the energy intensity per unit GDP and per capita will meet 0.865 tce per 104 Yuan and 3.318 tce per person, the advanced domestic levels over the same period. 2008年单位GDP的节能率达到6%25以上,单位GDP能耗和人均能耗达到同期国内先进水平,约为0.;865吨标煤/万元和3
- By the year 2008,the energy saving rate per unit GDP will reach 6% over,while the energy intensity per unit GDP and per capita will meet 0.865 tce per 104 Yuan and 3.318 tce per person,the advanced domestic levels over the same period. 2008年,单位GDP的节能率达到6%25以上,单位GDP能耗和人均能耗达到同期国内先进水平,约为0.;865吨标煤/万元和3
- How to Decompose Indicators of GDP Energy Intensity Reduction? GDP能耗降低指标如何分解?
- Key words:energy consumptions per GDP ;decompose model ;method abstraction. 一、“十一五”期间单位GDP能耗降低20%25,那么平均每年降低率是多少?
- The goal of reduction by 20% per GDP energy consumption by the end of the 11th five-year plan is clearly proposed in the 1 lth five-year plan. 国家"十一五"规划纲要明确提出到"十一五"期末要实现单位GDP能耗下降20%25的目标,我国政府对节能工作高度重视,目前已经出台了一系列的相关法律和政策,必将进一步推动我国的节能工作。
- In the first six months of this year energy intensity fell by 2.78 per cent year on year, suggesting an improvement in the third quarter. 今年前六个月能源密集比去年同期降低了百分之2.;78,这预示着第三季度能源消耗的减少程度会有所提高。
- The result shows that China's actual energy intensity is about thirty thousand tons of SCE/hundred million Yuan. 结果表明,近年来我国实际能源强度高于最优值达3万吨标准煤/亿元以上,且有不断上升的趋势。
- An international unit of luminous intensity per projected area normal to the line of observation. Luminance may be described in units of Candelas per square meter, or nits. 一个发光的强度的国际单位每计画的地区与观察的线垂直。亮度可能被每平方米或者尼特用坎德拉的单位描述。
- A unit of luminous intensity equal to1/60 of the luminous intensity per square centimeter of a blackbody radiating at the temperature of solidification of platinum(2, 046=K). 堪,烛光亮度单位,等于一个在铂的凝固点(2,046=k)时进行辐射的黑体每平方厘米发光强度的六十分之一
- In this paper,we analyzed the relationship between per GDP and per amount of three kinds of industrial waste discharge from 1987 to 2000 in Anhui province,established a new form of KEC. 本文通过对安徽省1987-2000年的人均GDP与工业三废排放量之间的关系分析,建立了一种新型的环境库兹涅兹曲线模型。
- That could also become part of a broader dialogue on the knowhow for reducing energy intensity and implementing such efficiency quickly. 这也可能成为更广范围的知识交流的一部分,旨在降低能源密集度和快速部署能效措施。
- In conclusion, we bring forward the suggestion of reducing energy consumption under the precondition of keeping the optimal energy intensity. 最后提出了在保持最优能源强度的前提下降低能源消耗的政策建议。
- Beijing has taken impressive steps to reduce energy intensity, but its carbon savings are far outstripped by the rapid growth of such a large economy. 中国政府已采取了一系列令人印象深刻的措施来减少能源强度,但其减少的碳排放量,远远被一个这么大经济体的快速增长所超过。
- Numbered studies about the effect of FDI on energy intensity focus on temporal but no spatial which can't show FDI's character of spillover effect. 现有有限的关于FDI影响能源强度的研究均从时间维度进行,忽略了FDI的空间外溢效应。本文利用空间自相关方法论证了FDI的空间特性。
- Based on energy conserving,the energy intensity of companies was analyzed by the method of BP analysis with statistical data. 以节能降耗为基本出发点,借助大量的统计数据,运用BP算法对企业工序能耗进行了系统地分析。
- Candela: Unit of luminous intensity of a light source. It is defined as 1/60 of the luminous intensity per square centimeter of a black body radiator at the temperature of solidification of platinum. Symbol: cd. 烛光:光源发光强度的单位。一烛光是一个黑色国辐射物体在白金凝固的温度下每平方厘米所发出光度的1/60。符号是cd。
- This paper use a dynamic CGE model-MCHUGE to evaluate the impacts of energy intensity imposed by the taxation of energy tax in China in both short run and long run. 摘要运用一个中国可计算一般均衡(CGE)模型-MCHUGE模型,分别在短期和长期的时间框架下,对能源税的征收进行政策研究。
- The FEM analyses indicate that maximum contact pressure and maximum friction energy intensity caused by ultrasound also occurs always at the periphery of conta. 有限元模拟的结果显示,最大的接触压力以及由此导致的最大摩擦能密度也发生在接触界面的周边,从而解释了实验现象。