- The American people are willing to pay a price for energy independence. 美国人民愿意为能源自立付出代价。
- Solar rooftop electrric power and plug-in Electric cars for Energy Independence now. 目前,太阳能屋顶电源和插入式电动车能源是**分开的系统。
- "So many of these problems we face, for example, energy independence, what is partisan about that? “所以我们面对的许多问题,比如能源独立,自主这和党派有什么关系呢?”
- So we're talking about investing in alternative energy projects that will help us achieve energy independence. 所以,我们正讨论对可替代的能源项目投资以帮助我们实现能源独立。
- We're also gonna lead in creating the new technologies that ensure energy independence. 我们将领导创造新的能源技术来保证在能源方面得以自主。
- First Letterman gave a 5 minute monologue explaining how he want to see this country achieve energy independence (FIRST VIDEO BELOW). 第一莱特曼了5分钟的独白,解释他如何希望看到这个国家实现能源独立(第一个视频下文)。
- Biodiesel significantly cuts harmful environmental emissions, promotes greater energy independence, and boosts our economy. 值得注目的生物柴油能减掉有害的环境散发物,促进大的能量自主,并且推进我们的经济。
- But federal energy legislation in 2007 encouraged energy efficiency as part of a push to promote energy independence and security. 不过,2007年的联邦能源法案鼓励提高能源效率,并将其作为推进能源自主及能源安全的一部分。
- But he says the new president will have to face it because of its links to health care problems, energy independence and climate change. 但是他认为新总统将会面临这个问题,因为它与卫生保健问题,能源独立以及气候变化等问题相关。
- We are ripe for economic growth and energy independence if we responsibly tap the resources that God created right underfoot on American soil. 我们如果负责任地开采上帝赋予美国大地上的能源,那么,经济重回增长和能源独立的时机已经成熟。
- In Washington, the chairman of the House Select Committee on Energy Independence, Massachusetts Representative Edward Markey, seemed unimpressed by the Saudi pronouncement. 在华盛顿,美国国会众议院能源独立委员会主席、麻萨诸塞州众议员马基似乎对沙特宣布的这一消息并不感兴趣。
- Increased parsimony will drive a wedge between greenery and other fashionable but expensive causes, such as “energy independence”, “fair trade” and organic farming. 对投资已经存在的过度吝啬将环保和其他时髦但解决成本昂贵的热点问题区别开来,比如“能源独立”、“公平贸易”和有机农场。
- Solar Electric Photo-Voltaic (PV) Power is one of the enabling technologies to solve the biggest political problem of the 21st Century: Energy Independence. 太阳能光电(PV)能源是21世纪一个最大的解决各方利益的办法:能源独立。
- Let's start with those investments that can make America more competitive in the global economy: investments in education, science and technology, and energy independence. 我们开始就要把资金投入到那些能够增强美国在全球竞争力的方面:向教育、科技和能源独立自主投资。
- Friedman's advocacy of American energy independence illustrates the error of a unidirectional view of history.Energy autarchy may be a sensible policy, but it signifies a retreat from globalization. 弗里德曼支持美国能源自给展示了以单一视角看待历史这一错误,能源专制可能成为一项敏感的政策,但它意味着从全球化的后退。
- Yet while greater energy independence may be an American national interest the notion that it would force recalcitrant countries onto a path of neoliberal reform is wishful thinking. 然而,当把更大范围的能源自给看成美国的国家利益,这将迫使敌对的国家走上新自由主义的改革之路未尝不可能。
- As the United States continues to develop alternative energy methods and push towards energy independence, cellulosic-based ethanol has emerged as one of the most commercially viable technologies. 在美国,持续推进发展新能源技术和能源自主的其中一项,纤维乙醇的商业上最可行的一种新产品。
- Both candidates vowed to focus on making the United States energy independent, Reuters reported. 路透社报道,两位候选人均誓言致力于使美国能源独立。
- Supporters of the measure argued it would create millions of new jobs and new technology to make the United States more energy independent. 议案的支持者说,议案可以创造数以百万计的工作机会;新的技术可以让美国在能源方面更加独立。