- A definition of composite effective elastic moduli is presented based on the energy equivalence principle and its basis and premise are pointed out. 基于能量等效原理提出了复合材料有效弹性模量的定义,并指出了该定义的基础及前提条件。
- Philipp Lenard even claimed that the mass energy equivalence formula of Einstein should be credited to Friedrich Hasenohrl if it had to made an Aryan creation. 菲利普.;莱纳德甚至宣称,如果爱因斯坦的质能当量公式确实创造了一个雅利安时代,那也应归功于弗里德里希
- A new concept of Jamming Energy Equivalence (JEE) is presented here.The concept implies that SAR warfare is still power warfare, though SAR is interference radar. 指出如果雷达接收到相同能量的干扰,那么经成像处理后在雷达图像中的总干扰能量相同,不同相关性的干扰信号可以改变干扰能量在合成孔径雷达图像中的分布;
- An anisotropic damage tensor is defined from the view of energy and constitutive equations of anisotropie damage for elasticity are derived using the hypothesis of energy equivalence. 该模型从能量的角度来定义各向异性损伤张量,并采用能量等效假设来推导各向异性脆(弹)性损伤的本构方程。
- New equivalent target expression was derived by theoretical analysis based on the principle of energy equivalence instead of strength equivalence. 通过理论分析采用能量等效的原则建立了新的等效靶公式,取代了原来由强度等效得出的等效靶公式。
- The energy equivalent of the mass discrepancy in a nucleus is called binding energy. 与原子核中的质量差相对应的能量叫做原子核的结合能。
- mass energy equivalence principle 质能相当原理, 质能当量原理
- The half-a-kilometer deep and 200-km-wide Gulf Stream has been estimated to carry energy equivalent to burning 160 billion kilograms of coal an hour. 据推测,0.;5千米深、200千米宽的湾流传送的能量,相当于1600亿千克的煤燃烧1小时所产生的热能。
- One cubic kilometre of sea water has the fusion energy equivalent of whole world's oil reserves," said John Parris at the Hiper project. 目前,一小部分国家控制着全球的大量石油,导致众多国家担心自身的能源安全。
- For reasons of comparison, yields have been translated into energy equivalents expressed as Mega joule per hectare (Mj/ha). 为了对磷的残效作尝试性的经济评价,下列印尼粮食作物产品价格被折成美元(印尼卢比与美元比率为1925?
- The metabolisable energy equivalent value of two xylanases is between ME 0.21 MJ/kg and ME 0.53 MJ/kg except which of xylanase A supplementation into wheat bran is ME 1.22 MJ/kg. 除酶A的代谢能当量值在小麦麸上为ME1.;22 MJ/kg外;2种木聚糖酶的代谢能当量值在ME0
- In the resulting price corridor, agricultural commodity prices are determined by the product's energy equivalency and the energy price (Schmidhuber 2007). 换言之,这些农产品价格将决定于其能源当量和能源价格。
- It is possible to transmute one form of energy into another. 把某种形态的能量改变成另一形态的能量是可能的。
- Young people usually have more energy than the old. 青年人通常比老年人精力充沛。
- The industry felt the effects of the energy crisis. 该工业受到能源危机的影响。
- I rallied all my energy for further effort. 我振作精神以做再次的努力。
- Kinetic energy is the energy arising from motion. 动能就是由于运动而产生的能量。
- Solar energy is a new kind of source of energy. 太阳能是一种新型能源。
- It is important to conserve energy. 节省能源十分重要。
- Because energy is equivalent to mass, according to Einstein's famous formula E = mc2, the energy equivalent to the mass of a particle and its antiparticle can appear out of nothing. 根据爱因斯坦的著名方程式E=mc2,粒子的能量相当于其质量,因此反粒子有可能无中生有。