- Qingdao Anhua New Energy Development Co. 青岛安华新能源开发有限公司。
- Energy development could change this. 能源开发会改变这些。
- China mulls renewable energy development fund. 中国拟设立可再生能源发展基金。
- Why Sangle Solar energy develop so fast? 桑乐发展何以又好又快?
- Diversity is a hallmark of the renewable energy development. 再生能源发展的特点是多元化。
- Beijing Xinxin-Tomorrow Energy Development CO., Ltd. 北京美华博大环境工程有限公司。
- The Department of Commerce of the United States will hold a seminar next week to discuss clean energy development. 美国商务部下周会举行一次研讨会讨论清洁能源发展的问题。
- First, cooperation should be enhanced for mutual benefit in energy development and utilization. 一是要加强能源开发利用的互利合作。
- Matsumura, Masahiro. "Inside Japans'Energy Development Politics: What Outsiders Do Not Know. 松村昌广〈日本能源发展的政治内幕:外界不知的内幕〉
- P.K.Pachauri,Wu Zong-xin et al, Energy Development in China and India , TERI, New Delhi,1990. 吴宗鑫等,“能源想定生成模型的应用和能源政策的建议”,中美能源研讨会,1988年,南京。
- Critics say ITER is unsafe, discourages conservation, and draws funds from renewable energy development. 批评人士则认为ITER计划不但不安全、还有损保育工作,甚至排挤再生能源发展的经费。
- Has also signed an MOU with Zhong Shui Energy Development Co. Ltd regarding further purchase of CERs from its future projects. 公司同时还与中水能源开发有限公司就其未来合作项目中的核证减排量进一步购买事宜签署了备忘录。
- The Colombian Energy and Mining Ministry of Columbia delegation will consult with the Cuban Basic Industry representatives to exchange mutual energy development. 哥伦比亚的能源矿产部官员将会见古巴基础工业部代表,促进双方的能源合作发展。
- During a speech Tuesday in Houston, Senator John McCain called for an end to a moratorium on energy development in coastal areas. 麦凯恩参议员星期二在德克萨斯的休斯顿演讲时,呼吁结束对沿海地区能源开发的限制。
- This paper collected and introduced the laws,regulations,objectives,road map,and practice of renewable energy development in the Netherlands. 介绍了荷兰政府为促进可再生能源发展而制订的法律、法规、目标、实施途径和实践。
- Much more emphasis has been placed on electric vehicle (EV), due to consideration of energy development, energy safety and environment protection. 为满足未来能源发展、能源安全以及环保的要求,电动汽车越来越受重视且已经取得了巨大发展,混合电动车已经实现初期产业化,成为汽车行业的主要发展方向之一。
- It is a long and arduous task to use sustainable energy development to support the sustainable economic and social advancement. 利用可持续能源发展支持可持续经济社会进步是一个长期而艰巨的任务。
- China is rich in hydropower resources that play an important position in the energy balance and sustainable energy development. 摘要我国水力资源丰富,在能源平衡和能源可持续发展中占有重要的地位。
- It's an equine echo of an ongoing struggle across the western United States, where mustangs compete for space with ranching and energy development. 这是野马们在美国西部为牧场空间和种群延续而进行的持续不断的竞争。
- CDM and demand of energy development in China provide an opportunity for clean energy development including small hydro power development. CDM和中国能源发展需求为中国包括小水电在内的清洁能源建设带来了机遇。