- enduring and intimate 持久和亲密的
- Tantric Sex is meditative, spontaneous and intimate lovemaking. 坦陀罗性是静心的,自发和亲密的调情。
- In his world, there is always a naive, tender and intimate emotion. 高度洗?的乐曲诠释自是不在话下,但他的音乐世界里更有股纯真,温柔,亲切的味道。
- These are the Amish, an enduring and endearing people. 这些就是亚米希人,一个迄立不摇又令人喜爱的民族。
- His first wife spent twenty years enduring and forgiving his infidelities. 他的第一任妻子花了20年忍受并原谅他的不忠实。
- The work calls for endurance and patience. 这项工作要求有韧性和耐性。
- He wrote and intimated that he would come. 这样想了过后,他就写信通知他愿去。
- Here is the endurance and the faith of the saints. 圣徒的忍耐和信心,就是在此。
- Sailing requires endurance and strength. 帆船运动需要力量和耐力。
- What more should pay is endurance and brains. 更多要付出的是耐性和头脑。
- This game is endurance and durability than. 这种博弈比的就是耐力和持久性。
- She fingered her ice-cold glass between sips, committing the complex and intimate flavour of this encounter to memory. 她双手抚着冰凉的玻璃杯,小口小口地喝着,记忆着这种复杂而亲切的滋味儿。
- Endurance and enthusiasm enabled him to win the first prize. 耐心及狂热使他赢得头奖。
- A long and intimate acquaintance with trousers has made him far more democratic and earthy. 和裤子长时间密切地打交道使他为人非常民主朴实。
- Bar Babylon has got a stylish and intimate ambiance to relax in after a day of meetings. 酒吧Babylon有时尚和亲切的气氛作为一天会议之后的放松。
- Endurance and enthusiasm enabled him to win the first prize . 耐心及狂热使他赢得头奖。
- Having this tool in your life is like having a wise and intimate friend always available to give advice and clarity. 将塔罗牌引进你的生活,就好像拥有一位具有智慧的密友,时时刻刻为你提供明晰的了解与忠告。
- I felt supremely blessed and blissful. It is impossible to describe this warm and intimate feeling! 我那时感到无比的幸福与喜悦,温暖而熟悉的感觉,真是无法言喻!
- High transient endurance and high dielectric strenght. 高电流承受及高绝缘强度。
- So they had given the gift of themselves, each to the youth with whom she had the most subtle and intimate arguments. 于是她们都赐身与平素最微妙、最亲密在一起讨论的男子了。