- endotraeheal intubation 气管内插管
- The incidence of successful intubation was 99.7%. 插管成功率为99.;7%25。
- Intubation and assisted respiration will be required. 需要插管及辅助呼吸。
- Improving the Success of Retrograde Tracheal Intubation. 增加逆行气管插管的成功率。
- It is key to successful salvage that early endotracheal intubation. 早期气管插管是抢救成功的关键。
- How well does the system predict difficult intubation? 预测困难插管的方法效果如何?
- The second intern was having trouble with the intubation. 第二个实习医生在插气管时遇到点麻烦。
- Results No complication had occurred after nasotracheal intubation. 结果插管后机械通气无护理并发症发生。
- Your baby isn't strong enough to suck, so we have to use intubation. 你的宝宝还无法吞咽东西,所以我们使用导流管。
- A low threshold for airway intubation should be maintained (Grade 2B). 低阈值的气管插管应该维护(级别2B)。
- We used success or failure of intubation as the result of our evaluation. 我们使用插管尴失败做为评估的效果。
- The rate of anesthetic syndrome was 12.5% after unfixing tracheal intubation. 拔管后麻醉并发症的发生率为12。5%25。
- Your baby isn't strong enough to suck , so we have to use intubation. 你的宝宝还无法吞咽东西,所以我们使用导流管。
- Oxygen is usually given by mask beforehand to allow maximum time for intubation while the patient is apneic. 通常事先给予面罩吸氧,使患者在呼吸暂停的时间达最大限度,可用以插管。
- Objective To clear airway secretion of coma patient and reduce airway damage with repeated intubation tube. 目的为有效清除昏迷病人气道分泌物,减少反复插管引起的气道损伤。
- Objective: To furnishthe applied anatomy foundation about neonates'stomach intubation. 目的:为新生儿胃管插管提供应用解剖学基础。
- The factors and the preventive measures for arytenoid dislocation caused by Intubation. 气管插管致杓状软骨脱位的影响因素及预防措施。
- Telescoping Tracheal Tubes into Catheters Minimizes Epistaxis during Nasotracheal Intubation in Children. 气管导管内的望远镜能够降低儿童经鼻气管插管时的鼻出血。
- One hundred of the 152 people were hospitalized, and 40 have since required intubation and respirator support. 在152人中,有100人已住院,并且自那时以来,有40人需要插管和呼吸器支持。
- It brings more precision for the surgeons to finish intubation operation due to the visible condition. 在可视状态下使医生准确地完成插管。