- The biological control against phytopathy was researched about endophytic bacterium strains by the method of artificial inoculation. 用人工接种病原菌的方法研究了内生细菌对植物病害的抑制和防治功能;
- Control of 5 endophytic bacteria in field, 011 and 001 strains were more effective. 田间试验5种内生菌的防效以011,001效果最好。
- The endophytic bacteria of HS plants contain Sphingomonas yanoikuyae, Paenibacillus polymyxa, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Arthrobacter globiformis. 感病品种内生细菌含有矢野氏鞘氨醇单胞菌(Sphingomonas yanoikuyae)、多粘类芽孢杆菌(Paenibacillus polymyxa)、荧光假单胞(Pseudomonas fluorescens)和球形节杆菌(Arthrobacter globiformis)。
- For stimulating plant growth, improving phytoremediation and increasing disease resistance in plant, endophytic bacteria are an important group of microorganism in microecosystem. 植物内生细菌是一类能够在健康植物细胞间隙或细胞内定殖,并与寄主植物建立和谐联合关系的细菌。
- Van Buren AM; Andre C; Ishimaru CA.Biological control of the bacteria ring rot pathogen by endophytic bacteria isolated from potato[J].Phytopathology,1993,83(12):1406. 夏正俊;顾本康;吴蔼民.;棉花内生及根际土壤细菌诱导棉花对大丽轮枝菌抗性的研究[J]
- The two media TSA and KMB were further confirmed to be the optimal media by using eight wheat varieties from eastern part of Henan province to isolate endophytic bacteria. 利用选择出的金氏培养基B和胰酶大豆琼脂分别对豫东麦区的7个小麦品种的内生细菌进行分离,进一步确认了胰酶大豆琼脂和金氏培养基B为分离小麦内生细菌的适宜培养基。
- Bacillus subtilis Strain TL2 was proved to be able to colonize in different tissues inside the tea plant, and the community quality and diversity index of the endophytic bacteria were both decreased in tea plant with the time after inoculated. 摘要枯草芽孢菌株TL2接种茶树后,可以从茶树不同组织分离到细菌,其细菌种群数量随着时间逐渐减少,其细菌多样性系数也随着时间有所降低。
- endophytic bacteria in host plants 植物内生细菌
- A bacterium is identified as the cause for his duodenal ulcer. 一种细菌被断定为造成他十二指肠溃疡的根源。
- antagonistic endophytic bacteria 内生拮抗菌
- Colonization, promotion growth and biocontrol for anthracnose of endophytic bacterium BS-2 from Capsicum annuum in cabbage 辣椒内生菌BS-2在白菜体内的定殖、促生和防炭疽病作用
- An organism, such as a bacterium, requiring oxygen to live. 好氧菌需要氧气生存的有机体,例如细菌
- A bacterium was identified as the cause for his duodenal ulcer. 一种细菌被断定为造成他十二指肠溃疡的根源。
- Biological effect of endophytic bacteria in Fortunate Bamboo 富贵竹内生细菌群落的生物效应研究
- Biological effects of endophytic bacteria in Ricinus communic 蓖麻内生细菌生物效应分析
- A bacterium having a spherical or spheroidal shape. 球菌球形或回转扁椭球体形状的细菌
- Genus and number of endophytic bacteria strains from tomato plants 番茄植株各器官分离得到的细菌种类及数量
- Spirillum A helically shaped bacterium. 螺旋菌:一种螺旋形的细菌。
- They have isolated the bacterium in its pure form . 他们已经把细菌分离出来,使它们处于较纯的状态。
- Many endophytic mycelia penetrated in the velamina. 根被细胞中分布有大量内生真菌菌丝。